My best friend Darci called me at work today and asked if I could do her a big favor. She and her husband John needed to go out of town to pick up a dog that they were adopting. Seeing it was going to be a long drive, they were hoping to make a long weekend out of it.

She asked if I wouldn’t mind stopping by the house to take care of her other three dogs. She usually has a dog sitter do it but she was not available this weekend. I told her that I had nothing going on this weekend so I would love to help them out, plus it would give me a chance to see the dogs again. She thanked me and told me that they were leaving Friday after work and should be home late Sunday afternoon or Sunday night. I would need to feed the dogs Friday night and let them out one last time. Feed them Saturday morning and again let them out. This time I could leave them outside for the day as long as they had water and then just let them back in that night and feed them again. Sunday morning I would just have to feed them and let them out one more time and they would be home to take care of them after that.

The Friday they were leaving I was having a horrible day at work. Two callouts, no lunch break, my boss on my back about reports that were due and my phone dings. “Thank you again for taking care of the dogs. We owe you one!” Shit, I totally forgot that I had to do that today. I was looking forward to just going home, getting dinner, putting on my pj’s and curling up on the couch with a glass of wine. I finish up at work and make my way to the door. I look outside and it is pouring rain.

“Of course it is” My umbrella is still in my car. Running to my car I get soaked. It was so nice this morning when I went in, where the hell did this rain come from?

Driving to Darci’s house was hell. Because of the rain traffic was terrible and it took me twice as long to get there. I pulled into their driveway and ran up to the front door, at least that was covered. I pulled up the corner of the doormat where Darci told me she would leave the key, only to find out it was full of water and now so were my shoes. She had texted me the alarm code so I pulled out my phone, punched in the code, made my way inside, took off my shoes and put them on the mat next to the door. I didn’t want to track water around the house, they like their house spotless. The dogs saw me at the door and came running up to me, which can be kinda scary. Not because they are vicious, but because they are huge. They love big dogs and I can see why. These three Mastiffs are just big teddy bears.

After saying hello I made my way to the kitchen counter where Darci had left the directions for feeding them. The prep takes about ten minutes, actually eating took about ten seconds. When they were done eating I opened the slider to the backyard and let them out. It was still raining so I waited by the door thinking they would do their business and come right back in. I was wrong. After doing their business they for some reason needed to chase each other around for a while. Then needed to find a puddle to roll in. These guys clearly like rain more than me. I closed the door and went into the dog’s closet to find towels. I figured I would get them to the door one by one and dry them off before letting them in the house. With towels in hand I opened the slider and called for them to come in. This is where I learned a very good lesson about not getting in the way of three charging mastiffs. Three very big, very wet dogs knocked me flat on my butt as they ran past me. I was able to keep them in the kitchen long enough to dry them off before they made it to the living room.

The kitchen and my clothes were soaked and mud-covered. I grabbed another towel from the dog’s closet and wiped down the cabinets, the fridge, the dishwasher and the slider. The house looked better but I did not. I was not getting in my car soaking wet and covered with mud. I looked under the kitchen sink for a trash bag and made my way into the bathroom. I stripped off my wet clothes and put them in the bag. The water soaked right through to my bra and panties as well so those went into the bag of wet clothes. I wrapped myself in a towel and we back out into the kitchen and put the bag on the counter next to my keys. There was no way I was driving home in a towel so Darci was going to have to let me borrow some sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

I walked into their bedroom and over to Darci’s closet. I have been in her closet dozens of times so I know where she keeps her sweatpants. I opened the second drawer down and pulled out a pair of sweatpants. I turned and threw them on the bed. I turned back to the closet to grab a sweatshirt. Those she kept on hangers. I slid a few to the side seeing the one I wanted. When I went to pull the sweatshirt from it’s hanger it got caught up on something. When I pulled a bit harder the rod that the clothes were hanging on pulled free from the bracket and all of her clothes were on the floor. I guess nothing was going to be easy today.

After replacing the rod and hanging most of her clothes back up, I was lifting the last bunch of hangers off the floor when I felt something land on my foot. I must have pulled something off of one of the shelves. Whatever it was hurt. I hung the last of the clothes up and saw a box on the floor. The box was on it’s side and a few things had fallen out. Winter hats, gloves, that kind of stuff. I but the box on the bed and picked up the items that fell out. Opening the top of the box I noticed that there was more than just winter stuff in here. It looks like I found Darci’s box of toys. It wasn’t a big collection, just a few items.

She had a bottle of lube, “Naughty girl” I said out loud. She had a magic wand, a small vibrating egg and a vibrator. A few of these I knew about, a friend of ours hosts adult toy parties and we have all been able to take stuff home. The one thing I did not recognize was sticking out from the scarf it was wrapped in. It looked like the tip of a penis sticking out. I picked up the scarf, unwrapping it. Whatever she was hiding was pretty good in size and had a little weight to it. When I finished unwrapping it I was in awe. I took this thing in my hand and wrapped my fingers around it. I didn’t remember seeing this thing at any of the toy parties. It was so lifelike, so smooth, so big. I felt a twinge in my pussy as I found myself stroking the dildo. This was beautiful, where did she get this? If it was one from one of the parties I would have bought this.

I found myself sitting on the bed and putting the dildo down so I could look through the box to see if there was any packaging or a receipt. There was nothing to identify where Darci bought this dildo. I picked up the dildo again and looked it over carefully. There were no markings on it. No stamps on the suction bottom, not even an item number or company logo. There were no markings that I was noticing. I was also not noticing that while I was studying the dildo one of my hands went under my towel and between my legs. I started wondering what it would feel like while I rubbed myself a bit harder. Oh god, what the hell was I doing. I couldn’t use my best friend’s dildo….or could I?

“Come on Lynn, this isn’t like borrowing her sweatshirt” I said out loud to myself.

I was sitting on their bed for almost an hour going over every reason why I should and shouldn’t do this. The whole time I was debating I was also masturbating. My pussy was so wet now and I was so horny thinking about this thing in my hand. Then my skewed logic came up with ‘It’s just plastic, like borrowing Tupperware. As long as I wash it. Right?’ And with that I got up from the bed and went to the kitchen sink where I turned on the water and proceeded to wash this wonderful toy. Soaping it up, slowly stroking it, running my hands over every one of its seven or eight inches. I wasn’t sure how big it was but it was definitely above average in length and thickness. I continued stroking it, studying every inch. Running my fingers along the underside of it feeling every vein until I reached the underside of the tip. I rubbed my thumb around the tip feeling the groove of the penis. Someone put a lot of work into this thing to make it so realistic. I rinsed it off, dried it and made my way back to the bedroom.

I made my way back to the bedroom and put the dildo down on the bed. I picked up the contents of the box and put them back inside except for the scarf, I would need that to wrap it up again. I put the box on the floor next to the closet and removed my towel. I spread the towel out over one side of the bed and returned to the box to grab the bottle of lube. I was sure I would be fine but a little extra lubrication never hurts. When I turned back toward the bed I caught my reflection in the mirror on the other side of the room. I stopped for a second and just looked at myself. There I was naked in my best friend’s bedroom, holding a bottle of lube, with her dildo, on her bed and I was about to use it. What the hell was I thinking? I looked at the dildo on the bed and thought ” I’m thinking that thing is going to feel amazing”. I opened the top of the lube and put a good-sized drop between the tips of my middle and pointer fingers. I closed the top of the lube and tossed it back in the box.

Reaching forward I picked up the dildo off the bed and held it by the balls/suction base. I slowly worked my lube covered fingertips around the tip of the dildo. Wow, even the tip was large I thought to myself. I stroked the shaft spreading the lube along its entire length. Looking back into the mirror I watched my reflection as I slowly stroked the glistening dildo. I took my hand, slick with lube and ran it over my breasts. My nipples were already erect and my slick hand felt amazing as each finger passed over them. I used my arms to squeeze my breasts together and slid the dildo up between them. Watching the tip appear just under my chin I couldn’t resist looking at myself in the mirror as I licked the underside of the tip. I then held the dildo with one hand while my lube covered hand made its way past my breasts, down my stomach, over my small patch of pubic hair to my pussy. I jumped a bit when my fingers made contact with my clit. I kept my fingers there and gently rubbed myself as I took the head of the dildo in my mouth.

I moved the tip around inside my mouth working my tongue around it as my fingers moved down closer to my opening. Once there I slipped the two lube coated fingers easily inside my pussy. Letting out a soft moan as I continued sucking the tip of the dildo. I started working my fingers in and out of my pussy faster and faster as I thought about how this dildo was going to feel inside me. It was time to find out.

I removed my fingers from my pussy and stroked the dildo again, this time with a mix of lube and my own wetness. I watched myself in the mirror as I ran the dildo between my breasts and then back up over each nipple, making little circles over each one. Then down my stomach to my belly button. A few little circles around that let me change the angle of the dildo to now be pointing down towards its target. I ran the tip over my mound to my clit. I pressed it a bit, rubbing my clit harder with the tip of the toy. My mouth was hanging open as I continued to moan. This was turning me on so much. I pushed the dildo a little further between my legs until the tip was positioned between my pussy lips. I slid the tip through until I felt it brush past the opening to my tight little ass. I worked the shaft in and out between my legs and through my pussy lips.

On the last stroke I stopped with the tip of the dildo resting against my opening. With the tip positioned I rotated the base of the dildo down toward the bed so it was now lined up with my pussy. I moved my two finger below the base of the dildo and gently applied pressure. I could feel the tip was right where it needed to be. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw this big dildo waiting at my opening.

I looked myself in the eyes and said “Ok Lynn, there’s no turning back now.” And with that applied a little more pressure to the base pushing the dildo upward. I let out a long moan as I applied pressure but it was not going in. Even with all of the lubrication, it was going to take a bit of work to get this thing inside me. I positioned a third finger under the base and gripped the balls in my palm. I took a deep breath and pulled upwards a bit harder. The tip was stretching the opening to my pussy and I could feel it moving. A little more pressure and very loud “OOHHHHHHHH” It popped inside followed by a few unintentional inches of it. I fell forward on the bed having the orgasm that had been building over the last hour and a half. When it subsided I stood back up and looked at myself in the mirror. Breathing heavy, nipples as hard as I can ever remember seeing them and my pussy stretched around a big dildo.

I desperately wanted to feel the rest of this inside so I made my way up onto the towel with the dildo still inside me. I could not believe what I was doing. Now I’m naked on my best friend’s bed with her dildo inside me. I reached down between my legs, grabbed the dildo and started working in and out of my pussy. God this thing feels amazing. It seems to hit every spot just right for me. And the further I work it in, the more spots it’s hitting. Oh god this thing is amazing. With my eyes closed I’m working my pussy hard or should I say my imaginary lover is.

“Oh that’s it right there, fuck my pussy harder,” I say as I start working it faster. I now have both hands on it pulling it inside me as my hip rode up off the bed meeting my strokes. Oh fuck I’m going to cum again. I pulled the entire length inside me while my palm rubbed my clit. I can feel myself getting closer and closer then it hits. One of the strongest orgasms I have ever had. I am screaming as my pussy tries to contract around the dildo but because of its size there’s nowhere to go.

Wave after wave washes over me as I continue to ride this amazing dildo. It felt like several minutes before it subsided. I was soaked in sweat, laying naked with my legs spread open as I lay saying Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god, over and over and over. I could feel the tingling in my pussy as the dildo was slowly slipping out before popping out onto the bed. I could feel my own cum running down my ass. It’s a good thing I did that on a towel.

After a few minutes I rolled over and looked at the clock. “Holy shit, I have to get home.” I was there for almost three hours. I stood up, or tried to at first and grabbed the towel off the bed. I used it to clean off the dildo and cleaned my pussy and the insides of my thighs. I threw the towel on the floor and walked out to the kitchen sink still naked with the dildo. I turned the water on and rinsed the dildo off. I dried it off and brought it back to the bedroom and returned it to the box wrapped in the scarf. I then put the box back in the closet, straightened out the bed, and picked up the towel before putting on the sweatpants and sweatshirt. I made my way to the kitchen and put the towel in with my wet clothes. I will need to wash that as well.

I went to the door, put on my still wet shoes, set the alarm and said goodnight to the pups. I told them that I would see them in the morning. Then for some reason I yelled down the hall to the dildo and to him I would see him in the morning as well. I just smiled as I walked to my car. On my drive home all I could think about was that dildo. And then I thought about the next morning and how I had to go back to the house three more times that weekend. I would definitely be fucking that thing again.

When I got home I showered and then had dinner. Instead of going to the couch like I originally planned, I stayed in my bathrobe and went to my computer. I had to see if I could find that dildo on our friends adults party store page. I poured a glass of wine and sat at the computer going through page after page of dildos with no luck. I found one’s that were close. Some were to small, some to big, others weren’t thick enough. I found one that looked close but it didn’t have the suction base on it. I was about an hour and three glasses of wine in when I got to the last page of her online store. I didn’t find it anywhere on her site. I did find that between looking at all the dildos, thinking about the dildo and the three glasses of wine my fingers were able to find themselves back between my legs again.

My foot was up on the computer desk and my robe was open. I was leaned back rubbing my pussy to another orgasm thinking about that dildo. When I finished I sat back up and pick up my wine glass to toast the dildo.

” To my new friend, the only dildo I have ever met that can make a woman cum without being there,” I said with a smile. With that I put my wine glass in the sink, went back and turned off the computer and went to bed. I was going to need my rest.

Saturday morning I woke up with a list of stuff I needed to do and went through them in my mind as I lay there in bed. First was taking care of the dogs. Second, I had to do some more digging to see if I could find where Darci bought that amazing dildo. Third, I had to play with that thing again this morning. I put on my bathrobe and made my way to the kitchen to make myself some coffee and some toast. After breakfast I went to take a shower.

Shampooed and conditioned my hair then soaped up while I let the conditioner sit. While soaping up I was running my fingers through the small patch of pubic hair. Twisting it and pulling at it a bit. I noticed it felt different, it felt almost greasy. It must be from the lube I used yesterday I thought. Still waiting for the conditioner I started thinking, I’m going to be using lube again this morning and more than likely again tonight. I thought, what if I just shaved it off? I never really liked the thought of being totally bald down there but if I didn’t like it I could always just let it grow back right? I grabbed the shaving cream and sprayed a little bit on my fingertips. Lathered up the small patch and grabbed my razor. I put my foot up on the side of the tub and started shaving slowly in a downward motion. Little by little my small patch of hair was disappearing. With a few more strokes of the razor it was gone.

I placed the razor back in the holder and turned to rinse off. It felt weird running my hand over the smooth spot where hair used to be. Looking down I wasn’t sure I liked how it looked but I was definitely liking how smooth it was. I stood under the water slowly rubbing my newly shaved pussy, enjoying the feeling. Enjoying a bit too much as I slipped a finger inside and slowly pushed it deeper.

I opened my eyes and looked down “Whoa Lynn, that’s enough” I said to myself. There will be plenty of that later. I finished rinsing my hair and my now hairless area nd got out and dried off. After applying lotion I made my way down the hall to get dressed.

I grabbed my grocery list off the counter, grabbed my purse and car keys and headed out. It was only about a twenty minute ride to Darci’s house so it wasn’t a bad drive. I was happy to see that the sun was out and it was much warmer than the previous day. There would be no issues leaving the dogs outside today. When I arrived the dogs were so happy to see me, or more likely they were happy to be fed. After they were fed and had their water I opened the slider to the back yard and stood back. I wasn’t getting run over again.

With the dogs outside I made my way to their bedroom. Opened the closet and pulled the box out of the back. I opened the box on the floor and pulled the scarf wrapped dildo out and placed it on the bed. Unwrapping it was causing me to start getting wet. I looked at it sitting on the bed as I started undressing. Once my clothes were off I reached into the box and grabbed the bottle of lube. I put the lube on the bed and walked down the hall to the bathroom, I needed to grab another one of their towels. While I was out there I made my way to the kitchen and took my grocery list and pen out of my purse. At the bottom of the paper I wrote “CVS” I knew what that meant and I didn’t have to write “Lube”. I needed to buy my own, I can’t use all of theirs. I looked out the slider and saw the dogs sleeping in the sun. I just laughed to myself. “I wonder if there is a market for naked dog sitters?”