Week 0


The same as all my engineering classes, the room was filled with men. And, somehow, they always forgot about me when they talked to each other. I was the only girl in the room, but come on, I wasn’t invisible. They just thought of me as another one of the guys, I guessed.

I wasn’t sure how that had happened. I knew I was attractive to men, I certainly dated enough of them, just never any of the guys in college. At 5’7″ tall, with pale skin and freckles and blazing red hair I didn’t exactly blend in. Shit, I had nice D-cup boobs, and a cute bubble butt.

Yet still, these enginerds talked as if I wasn’t there.

“Ugh,” Brad whined, “why can’t I find a woman who likes suck cock. This girl this weekend acted like it was a real chore.”

I rolled my eyes.

“What’s that for?” Brad asked me pointedly, somehow piercing that invisible wall I had come to count on while listening to their man gossip.

“Brad, turn a girl on, and she’ll do anything. If the girl your with doesn’t want to suck your cock, it’s because you haven’t turned her on.” I told him, exasperated by listening to his constant complaining.

Brad flexed his bicep and kissed it, giving me the side eye, “Come on, Suzie, I’m hot. Women practically follow me around, panting like bitches in heat. Of course, I turn them on.”

It was no use. Brad had his head so far up his own ass he’d never understand that arousal for women wasn’t all about appearance. I just shook my head at him.

Brad ignored me and turned back to his monologue directed at his fanboys who also admired his body. Sure, Brad was fucking hot, but he had no personality. I bet he was all pump and dump in the bedroom, no creativity, no foreplay, and apparently, no decent blow jobs.

“Suzie?” A tentative voice called my attention.

“Yeah, Nick?” I answered.

“Is that true, what you said? That if you just turn a woman on, she’ll do anything?”

“Absofuckinglutely.” I replied, “well, at least for me anyway.” My conscience made me add the qualifier. I was sure there were women in the world who could control themselves when aroused, but I’d never been one of them.

Nick considered me, thoughtfully. “What turns you on, Suzie?”

Well, that question, for one, got a little heat going in my pussy. Nick certainly wasn’t hot. He’d never get women by simply walking around in their vicinity like Brad did. He was a bit chubby, had pasty white skin, mousy brown hair, unremarkable brown eyes, and an unfortunate height of just 5’5″, a bit shorter than me.

Still, when he looked at me with that intense, intelligent gaze and asked what turned me on in deadly earnest, it was hot. Did I admit that? Hell, no. I had an inkling that Nick could be a lot of fun, and I wanted to see just how determined he was.

“Well, Nick… If I told you, that would be cheating. Think of it like a science experiment. Do your research, make a hypothesis, and then run some tests.”

“Hmm… And you’d be my test subject?” Nick asked, thoughtfully.

I was about to reply when Professor Chaban walked in. All of us went quiet. While the boys didn’t hesitate to talk about their sex lives in front of me, they had more respect for their teacher. Figures.

There was no room in my brain to think about Nick once class started. The professor was this stern Russian guy who was in love with math and turned everything into a finite difference analysis problem.

I was smart, I loved math, excelled in it, but even I struggled to follow this mad professor’s thoughts as he instructed. At least his thick Russian accent made it slightly entertaining.

It would be another long night in the computer lab working on this assignment, I sensed. It had become a regular thing, among those of us who’d opted to take Professor Chaban’s classes, to stay up until the early morning hours working on his heinous assignments.

I knew I was a glutton for punishment because while the boys would work together until one of them figured out a solution, then they would all copy it – fudging a little to make it look like their own work, I stubbornly refused to finish the assignment until I understood it. Still, I was fucking smart, so I often got done as fast as them.

Tonight, was just not my night. I was still staring at the numbers on my screen at 2 am, willing them to make sense when I heard the group of boys whooping and hollering as they left.


I screamed like a little girl.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“What the hell, Nick? I thought you all left?” I squeaked.

“I wanted to finish our conversation, from before class?” Nick replied, studying me.

Heat flushed through my body again.

“Oh.” I said, eloquently.

“I would like to do a research experiment, like you said.” Nick spelled it out for me, my own words used against me.

“Oh.” I replied. Somehow, I could say anything to the group of guys, but with just Nick it was personal and real.

“I was thinking of a multi-phase study. First, of course as you said, research. I will need a couple days to do that, I suppose. Then, I think I’ll need to interview you, or give you a survey so I know what things you don’t want to do.

“I mean, if the goal is to prove that you’ll do anything once aroused, I’ll need a way to measure the results. That can be done by testing if you’ll do something from your list. I was thinking that, every week for the rest of this semester, I can try to turn you on using techniques that are not on your “no” list. Hmmm… Yes, that would make a good study, don’t you think?”

I stared at Nick. “I think that sounds very well thought out, very scientifically sound.” Nick was becoming more attractive before my very eyes, his brown eyes became alluring, mysterious even. Did I say he was pudgy before? No, he was just solid, cuddly, that was it surely.

“How about we meet next Saturday? I think I’ll have a good list to ask you about by then, to set our baseline.” Nick prompted me.

“Ok.” I agreed. Little did Nick know that I was already proving his hypothesis. He’d turned me on with all his talk of methodical, experimental, sex, and now I was agreeing to anything he wanted. Damn!

“I have a roommate, do you?” Nick asked.

“No, I have a studio apartment, just off campus,” I replied.

“I think it would be best to start there then, with privacy. Will you text me the address?”

“Ok.” I replied, entering Nick’s number into my phone as he told me the digits.

After Nick left, I just sat and stared at my computer screen, wondering what I’d just done. It was no use. I could not get focused on math again. I was going to get a crap grade on this assignment.

And some little back part of my brain was thinking, but it’s worth it!

Nick was not the type of guy I usually went for. Most of my ex-boyfriends were rebel types, bad boys who wouldn’t know a responsible career choice if it grabbed them by the balls. They were fun, though. I wondered if Nick would be uninhibited enough to try some of the things that really got me going. I hoped his pudgy underwhelming appearance was hiding the mind of a sexual genius.

A girl could hope.


Well, I had done it, had asked Suzie out. Kind of. I breathed slowly, calmly. What had I been thinking, planning a sexual experiment with her? I was a fucking virgin, for fucks sake!

Something had just come over me, when Suzie had said that a girl, her specifically, would do anything if aroused. I wanted to be the one to arouse her.

We’d been in this same class for a month, and while Suzie seemed to ignore all of us guys, I could never ignore her. Her brilliant mind was obvious, for starters. The way that she looked when she focused, it was oddly erotic to me.

Like tonight, I should have been working on math, and instead I’d watched Suzie focus on the assignment, oblivious to the guys’ conversation as it flowed around her. And, all the while, I couldn’t get our conversation out of my head.

So, when our classmates had left, I’d brought it up again, made that asinine proposal. I was on the hook now. The problem was, I had absolutely no idea how to turn a woman on.

Sure, I’d watched plenty of porn, but even I could tell half of that was fake. I had a lot of research to do this week if I was going to capitalize on this once in a lifetime opportunity to make Suzie mine.

As soon as I got home, I went to my room and powered up my laptop.

“How to arouse a woman” I typed into the Google search.

My screen flooded with pseudo-helpful advice. Peppered throughout were links to porn sites that would probably infest my system with malware if I so much as glanced in their direction. Cautiously, I pored through the data.

Research, at least, I could do.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Yes?” I called through the door of my room. I glanced at the clock, it was 7am, I’d been reading all night!

“Breakfast, Nikolai!” My uncle called to me.

I stretched and groaned. I didn’t have to be anywhere until noon, but it was pointless to try to skip breakfast. My uncle was a man of his routine.

“Morning, dyadya.” I said as I sat down at the table.

“Morning.” He replied gruffly, eyeing me over the top of his newspaper. “Nikolai, I concerned about you. You arrre studying too harrd. I know you vere up all night vorrrking on your computerr again.”

“I’m fine.” I replied.

“It is not good, for young man to be so studious. Yourr motherrr vould have vanted you to have fun, not be serious, yes?”

I thought of exactly what I’d been studying all night and held in a grin. “I have a date this Saturday,” I said.

My uncle’s bushy eyebrows rose so fast they nearly shot off his forehead. “Zis is good. You vill take herrr somewhere nice, yes?”

“Of course, uncle.” I lied. Somehow, I didn’t think my uncle would quite understand what I had in mind for my first date.

At twenty-one I knew I was well beyond the age when I should have dated, but my life hadn’t exactly gone normal. After my mother had died when I was thirteen, I’d moved from Russia to the USA to live my uncle. Between grief, learning a new language and a new culture, dating had never topped my priorities list.

Then, I’d decided to take up engineering, and had been busy with schoolwork ever since. Ironically, the math heavy class that was beating everyone else’s asses was a breeze for me. After all, Professor Chaban was my uncle, and so expert tutoring was free and always available – not to mention he’d taught me most of this stuff in high school already.

It would certainly help to have that bit of breathing room as I considered the task before me. I had eight weeks of the semester remaining to explore Suzie’s sexuality. If I did well, maybe I would get longer.

But, if my research last night has shown me anything, it was that eight weeks wasn’t nearly long enough to try every sexual activity, not at a rate of one meeting a week. I had to be extremely discerning and intentional.

I just hoped I’d be able to get over the nerves and actually enjoy myself.

Week 1


The following Saturday I was useless to get anything done, waiting for Nick. My stomach was fluttering and I couldn’t stop fidgeting. I paced my little apartment, which meant about ten steps and then I had to turn around. I realized, around noon, that Nick hadn’t mentioned what time he’d show up.

In fact, Nick hadn’t brought up our deal one time in the preceding week. Maybe he’d changed his mind? God, I hoped not.

It was 3pm when my phone buzzed.

I’m here. Nick’s text read.

Nervously, I skipped down the steps and opened the building door for him.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hey,” Nick replied, a serious expression on his face.

“Um, well, my apartment is on the third floor,” I said, then turned and walked up the stairs.

Nick followed me into my place. He had a stack of papers that he set down on my small coffee table, the only table that there was room for in this place, so it also served as a kitchen table and a desk.

I sat down on my couch, and Nick sat next to me.

“So…” I said.

“So,” Nick said, “I have prepared a survey for you. I would like you to answer these questions honestly. If you are not honest, then the experiment will not work.”

I glanced at the pile of papers. It was a lot.

“Also, I have scheduled an STD test for us for next Wednesday,” Nick continued. “Are you on birth control?”

He was so professional about this. I was kind of impressed despite myself. All the other guys I’d dated were so busy trying to get my tits out, that planning ahead wasn’t even in the realm of possibilities. An STD test wasn’t necessary, though, I tested myself after every sexual partner. Before would have been better, but we’ve established I have low self-control when aroused.

It was nice to be planning ahead, for once. And it would be good for Nick to be sure I wasn’t going to give him anything.

“I’m on the shot,” I told Nick, answering his birth control question.

“Ok, good.” He said.

Then, he pulled out a book from inside his jacket and opened it up. “If you don’t mind, I will read while you work.”

This was so unlike my previous dates, it was surreal. “Sure, go ahead,” I told Nick as I picked up a pen and bent over the pile of papers he’d brought.

I skimmed the sheets. He had been extremely thorough. Every sex act I could imagine was listed and described, I guess in case I didn’t know the word. Nick needn’t have worried about that. I was pretty well versed in sex and various fetishes.

My first task was to rank all of his list on a sliding scale from “tried and hated / did not like” to “tried and loved / liked” with variations of “not tried and do / do not want to try” in between.

Let’s see… kissing, vaginal intercourse, BDSM, electric play, exhibition, piercings, humping, masturbation, wax play… tried and loved.

Anal, fellatio, titty fucking, voyeur, fingering, hand jobs, food play… tried and meh.

Cunningulus, pegging, furry, edging, fisting, rubber/latex, breath play… not tried but want to try.

Watersports, age/role play, forced abstinence… not tried and do not want to try.

Spanking, tickling, feet … tried and did not like.

And, in each category, there were a variety of sub-categories to rate. Vaginal intercourse, for example, included a list of common positions: missionary, reverse missionary, doggy style, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, standing, sitting… There was a little diagram of each.

Putting this together must have taken all week! I thought.

As I sat back and looked over my answers, I was sorely tempted to move some of the things I liked into the “no” category and some of the “no’s” to yesses. I wasn’t actually sure I could be aroused enough to try watersports. But that would be cheating, and I didn’t do that.

I bit my lip thoughtfully, then turned to the next part of the survey.

There was a diagram of a female body, and I was supposed to mark it with checks to indicate my erogenous zones and x’s to indicate areas I didn’t like to be touched.

“Hey,” I said as a thought suddenly occurred to me, “why aren’t you filling these out too?”

Nick looked at me over the top of his book, “you’re the experimental subject, not me.”

I huffed. “Well, you’re going to end up knowing a lot more about me than I do about you, this way.”

Nick raised an eyebrow, “yes, that’s true.”

It was like he was daring me to push the matter. I sighed. I guessed I would find out what he liked when we started actually doing things.

It took two hours to finish all the paperwork. When I was finally done, I stood and stretched, working out my muscles from being still for so long. Also, I was very horny. I was ready to get started with the action.

“So, now that’s done, what are we starting with, Nick?” I asked as I bent my arms behind my head and leaned back. I knew this made my boobs perk right up. Usually, the result would be that the guy I was dating couldn’t help but grope me.

Nick just carefully marked his place in his book and closed it up.

“Now, I will review your answers and make a plan for next Saturday.” He told me, coolly.

I eyed him. How could he resist the boobs and yet want to run a sex experiment on me? Was he into me, or just into science? I frowned, thoughtfully.

Maybe it didn’t matter, I liked the idea of this experiment. I would see it through no matter what, I decided.


It was difficult to look at Suzie’s perky boobs and not give into the urge to reach out and touch one. They were right there, eminently touchable. Yet, this wasn’t the right time.

If I did that, then where would it stop? And, I had a lot to learn still before I was ready to start trying things on my live subject. It had been exhausting enough just trying to organize all of human sexuality into a moderately long survey.

So, I held back.

I couldn’t help but be thankful I had, as I went through Suzie’s survey, later. She was a lot more experienced than I had suspected.

Derr’ mo.

There was no way I was going to be able to disguise the fact that I had no idea what I was doing. There was no way I was backing out though. I just had to hope that she’d give me several chances. I figured I could get the hang of it after a couple tries.

In the meantime, there was research. I watched hundreds of instructional videos and tried to formulate a plan for the following Saturday. I wished I had an advisor, someone knowledgeable who I could discuss my experimental plan with. Unfortunately, my choices were my uncle – who I suspected had been quite a player as a youth although he never married, and possibly Brad – who I wouldn’t trust with any secret. That guy gossiped more than a babushka.

Nope, I was on my own here.

I chewed the end of my pencil thoughtfully as I studied Suzie’s erogenous zones chart. Ears, neck, breasts, clitoris were checked. Stomach was crossed out.

No stomach touching? I frowned. That was an odd place to not want to be touched. Well, that would be my test. I would try to arouse her by working on her ears, neck, and breasts, then test her stomach. I would leave the clitoris for another day. Cunningulus seems frighteningly challenging to become good at, I wanted more time before I tried it. At least, I eyed Suzie’s survey, she wasn’t experienced in that particular act either so maybe it would be something I could try on her without her knowing just how naive I was in general.

On Wednesday, I met Suzie at the clinic to get our tests. Of course, it wasn’t necessary for me, but I wanted Suzie to feel comfortable knowing that I was clean. And while I had not been worried about her results before, I was a bit anxious after seeing her breadth of experience on the survey. I was relieved when her results came back clean as well.

Week 2


Suzie met me at her door the next Saturday at 3pm. I tried to project an image of calm confidence as I followed her up to her apartment and inside.

The studio apartment had just enough room for a tiny kitchen, a twin bed, and a small couch and TV. Suzie’s computer sat on the coffee table and a stack of homework was piled on top. I wondered how she was doing in her class work, because I’d been neglecting it the past two weeks.

Suzie was standing next to her bed, looking nervous. That was one of the things I enjoyed about her, she showed all her emotions on her face, plain as day.

“Take off your shirt and bra.” I told her, trying to seem in control of the situation.

Suzie’s cheeks turned red as she pulled her shirt over her head. Her bra was plain and utilitarian. An engineer’s bra, I thought. Her skin was freckled down her cleavage, but her stomach was pale and white.

Suzie pulled down each bra strap from her shoulders, slowly. I couldn’t tell if she was doing it to tease me, but it was agonizing to watch. She reached behind her back and unhooked the bra, then let it fall to the floor releasing her boobs.