Authors note: A big thank you to Soli for helping with editing.

Fridays were always busy for her. Too many classes. Fridays should be the easiest ones to get a smooth start to the weekend, but it just turned out it was the most difficult one for her this year. Especially because of the last lecture.

If she was going to make it through, she needed a boost.

“You free?” she texted.

Other students were welling out of the room and she tried to join them while looking at her phone. The dots showed up, and she tried to hurry through in case it was good news.

“What’s up?” came back on her phone.

If she was free, she needed to make the most of the situation. She bounced between others as she called, and while it was ringing, she pushed through the crowd until she was out of the building.

“Hello, Em” she heard Lindsey’s voice through the phone.

“Hey, how about a blowjob?” she asked.

Two full seconds of silence followed.

“Sorry, but I promised my date I would save up,” Lindsey answered, her voice trailing off as she knew she was disappointing her friend.

“No, Lindsey. Please. Please, please, please. I need it,” she pleaded.

“You got the WORST cum addiction,” Lindsey teased.

“That’s because it’s so good,” she answered.

“You probably have a few hundred horny College guys around you right now that would gladly make a donation,” Lindsey said.

“Bleh,” she quickly answered.

Looking around, it did seem likely that at least some of them would love a blowjob. She could see most of the campus ground from here, and students were hanging out just about everywhere.

“Too small, and their cum is icky. No, what I need is a massive futanari cock, and the large bounty of delicious futanari cum. Please Lindsey, you know I need it before Professor Tannen’s class!” she wailed.

“Why don’t you ask her?” Lindsey suggested.

“Please. That’s all I can think about during her lectures. If only I was so lucky,” she bemoaned. “Just let me have some of your cum and I won’t have to think about swallowing hers.”

The stories around campus said that Professor Tannen had a big cock too. She would do anything to have a chance to show her what she could do with it. She had given Lindsey and her old girlfriend so many blowjobs that she was now an expert at handling futanari cocks, but she was never brave enough to ask anyone else if she could blow them. What would she even say? Hi, my name is Emelie and I’m a massive cum slut.

“My date already called dibs on mine,” Lindsey stated. “Did I tell you that she invited me to a party?”

“No,” Emelie answered.

She needed cum, not to hear about how Lindsey was going to have a great time without her.

“What if I ask if you can come too? That would make up for it, right?” Lindsey suggested.

Emelie did like to party. She had spent most of the year trying to get drunk enough to have the courage to ask some of the other futanari women on campus if she could suck their cocks, but she always chickened out, and if Lindsey didn’t get lucky either, she would usually get to suck her cock once or twice after the party.

“Can I suck your cock there?” she asked.

“You really like sucking my dick, don’t you?” Lindsey asked.

“It’s terrifyingly big, really tasty, and you have those oversized balls that always seem to be filled to the brim with cum. What girl wouldn’t like sucking on it?” Emelie said.

“You’re weird. Well, my date seems to like it too. I guess my cock is pretty awesome. How about that party? You want to come?” Lindsey said.

“Okay fine, I give up, no blowjob. Is it a stag party?” Emelie asked.

“No, rather the opposite actually. It’s a dress-up party. With older people” Lindsey said.

“Boring. Are you dating an old person?” Emelie asked.

“Yeah, and she is really awesome. I think you would like her too. Also, a dress-up party might sound boring, but I’ve been told there will be a lot of futanari women there,” Lindsey said.

“Really? Single futanari women with cocks as big as yours?” Emelie asked, licking her lips.

“Do you care if they are single?” Lindsey asked.

“Not if they let me suck their cocks,” she answered.

Damn, that sounded like a great party. Very different from getting drunk around other students though. Would she make a fool out of herself in front of well-behaving adults? Still, just being around such people must be awesome. Sweet, mature, women, with massive cocks.

“See you after your date with Professor Tannen, so we can find something for you to wear?” Lindsey asked.

“That’s so mean! But yeah sure, I’ll see you after,” Emelie said.

The thing she wanted most in this world was to date someone like Professor Tannen. Lindsey was a good friend, with a great cock, but at the end of the day, they were just friends.

She knew she shouldn’t use Lindsey as her personal sperm depositor, but she just couldn’t help it. They were friends, and Lindsey was too kind to turn her down most of the time when she needed a big cock to suck on. Especially now when she was more serious about dating, she had to be careful so that it didn’t ruin their friendship or any of Lindsey’s relationships.

Why couldn’t her old girlfriend be here? They had broken up when she graduated and moved back home. They weren’t a great couple, but that was how her desire for tasty cum had been born.

Lindsey had been using a dating app to find dates, and maybe that’s what she needed to do too. Massive cum slut needs big futanari cock to suck on. Lindsey said it would work, but it was one thing that her best friend knew about her addiction, and something completely different if she let the world learn about it.


“Hey, Lindsey?” Emelie called as she stepped into the dorm room.

“Oh, you’re here already?” Lindsey answered.

The lecture had been torture, and Emelie could only think about one cure. The fact that Lindsey was sitting in her underwear, with her big breasts barely contained, and the big obvious bulge down below didn’t help.

“I need to suck your cock,” Emelie said.

She tossed her bag away, not caring that it missed the chair she usually put it on, and almost knocked over the dresser.

“I told you I need to save my cum,” Lindsey answered.

She tried to rush her down, but Lindsey jumped up on the sofa to avoid the first attack, and then easily bounced over its back so that they were standing on different sides of it.

“Please,” Emelie pleaded.

She went down on her knees, holding her hands up to show her friend how much she needed to give her a blowjob. Her friend just shook her head, and Emelie collapsed face-first on the sofa instead.

“If you do that tonight, I bet you will have them form a line for your mouth,” Lindsey said.

If only she could.

“Are they okay with me just showing up?” she asked.

“Yes, my date took care of it. She knows the host,” Lindsey explained.

That date probably knew all of the futanari there, which made it unfair that she had to be stealing her cock away. Some people had all the luck.

“She’s doing you a favor, so it would be really unfair if I gave you all my cum that’s meant for her,” Lindsey explained.

True. Still, she probably wouldn’t notice if Lindsey came just once before the party. Those balls could make more than enough cum for tonight anyway.

“I guess I need to find something to wear,” Emelie sighed.

“We don’t have much time if you need to find someone you can borrow a dress from. I’ll be wearing my red one, and you could try out the grey one if you’d like. You said you wanted to wear it sometime, remember?” Lindsey said.

“I do, but I was thinking I should wear the one I wore to that punk party,” Emelie said.

“The one with the broken stockings? Are you sure?” Lindsey said, looking doubtful. “I don’t think that would fit the scene,”.

She was right, but she had been thinking about it in class. Between wondering if she should stay after class and ask Professor Tannen if she needed some special help, or if anyone would notice if she was to hide under the desk and blow her in front of the entire class.

What she needed to do was dump the stockings, put on some heels instead of the big socks and boots, and of course go with some proper makeup instead of the goth variety.

“I can pull it off,” Emelie said confidently.

“You looked like the girl from the Addams family,” Lindsey said.

She did. The sexiest Wednesday ever, and she sucked Lindsey’s cock several times that day as proof of it. Today she had to make it look more proper, but still sexy enough so that Lindsey would be the one begging her at the end of the night.

“I’ll show you what I have planned,” Emelie smirked.

She went into her room and dug into her clothes. It was a bit wrinkly, but a quick iron could fix that. At least it didn’t smell weird.

The shoes were more difficult though. Her black pair hid most of the foot, but she wanted them to be open. The dress would cover a lot on top, and with her legs fully bare, it would look weird if her heels covered all of her feet. She desperately needed to get more shoes.

She took her clothes off and then donned the dress. It was very short. It had been fine with the stockings the last time she wore it, but now it was something to get used to. The top part covered up everything. A nice full black color, with long sleeves that ended with white cuffs, and of course the white collar that made everyone think about Wednesday Addams.

She put on the black heels even if she felt they were wrong, it didn’t hurt to try them out. Looking in the mirror she smiled. It looked weird but good. The outfit was kind of all over the place. The black color made it look kind of professional, while the shortness of the dress made it look sexy. With heels that didn’t cover as much of her feet, her legs would look even longer. The white collar and cuffs are what made it confusing. It added an innocent, youthful, look to it. Lindsey would need to be the deciding factor if the outfit was too befuddling.

“What do you think?” Emelie asked, standing in front of Lindsey that was back in the couch.

“Eh,” Lindsey answered.

That sounded bad, but when she looked at Lindsey, her friend had her sexy smile on. The way she smiled when she saw something she liked. Still, it made sense that her friend was a bit confused with the outfit too, but Emelie knew just how to convince her.

“It is sweet,” she said, twirling her hair, hoping her friend saw how cute it was, “Semiprofessional,” she said, posing in a way where she hoped it showed how nice the cut of the dress was, “While also really sexy,” she added, this time turning around, bending forward to the point that her dress went high enough to show most of her ass.

“You need some other underwear,” Lindsey commented.

“Of course. Does that mean you approve of the dress? I think I need some other shoes too,” Emelie said, lifting her feet a bit to show that they didn’t fit perfectly with the dress.

“You’re lucky that you are so sexy. I didn’t even notice the shoes,” Lindsey said.

“Sexy enough that you’ll let me suck your cock?” Emelie asked.

The bulge had gotten bigger, and with Lindsey in just her underwear it was easy to tell that she had gotten excited.

“We need to start to get ready. My date will be here to pick us up soon,” Lindsey said.

Her friend flew off the sofa again, and seemed indecisive about which task she should tackle first, as she was walking on the spot and looking around her. Damn, Emelie thought. She was so close to getting her. If they had another half hour, she was sure she could have convinced Lindsey that she needed a preparation blowjob. Something that would help her remain calm until her date had the time to take care of her.

“When?” Emelie asked, hoping her friend might be panicking over nothing.

“I’ll shower first while you look for shoes. If I don’t have any then you need to check in with Brit. Just hurry!” Lindsey said, starting to strip as she ran for the shower.

“How much time do we have?” Emelie tried again.

“Less than 30 minutes,” Lindsey screamed from the bathroom.

Emelie pulled off the dress as she needed to iron it out before she could wear it to the party. Lindsey had a lot of nice shoes, but the only pair that had the correct design were a red color, and that wouldn’t fit with the dress. Instead, she darted out of the room, through the hallway, and to Brit’s door.

She knocked but didn’t wait for an answer before ripping up the door. Lucky enough Brit was sitting in the living room area.

“Come in, oh my god, Emelie, why are you naked?” Brit screamed.

She looked down, seeing that she was in just her underwear, and her heels. Inappropriate, but at least she wasn’t naked.

“I need shoes, quick,” Emelie told her.

“You have shoes, you need clothes!” Brit countered.

“No, for a party. I need better shoes, fast,” Emelie explained.

Brit pointed towards her room, and Emelie ran over there. She realized now that it would have been better if she had her dress on so she could make sure everything matched. She opened the wardrobe and found the shoe rack. Brit had a lot of shoes, even if most weren’t heels. Brit was originally friends with Lindsey, and they had borrowed shoes from each other often, and since Emelie and Lindsey had the same size, it of course meant Emelie should be able to wear Brit’s shoes too.

She found the perfect pair. A nice black color, a high heel, and a low-cut rim that showed a lot more of her feet than the pair she already had on.

“Thanks,” Emelie said, running past Brit, showing her the shoes she wanted to borrow.

Twirling out of the room so that she could close the door during the turn, she almost ran into a group of guys that seemed to only be there because they heard a half-naked woman was running around, she slipped past them and finally made it back to her room.

“You found some!” Lindsey said, stepping out of the bathroom wrapped in towels.

“I think so, I haven’t tried them on yet,” Emelie said.

“No time. Get in the shower,” Lindsey instructed.

She put the shoes down and tore her underwear off. This day wasn’t going according to plan. Normally she should have swallowed a big load earlier, and then would work on getting a second one out of Lindsey. Instead, she was all horny from the lecture but had no time to take care of it, and hungry like a barren wolf. There had better be a big reward waiting at the end of it.


“Lindsey, you’re so hot,” Emelie said. “How about a last-minute blowjob?”

“That is her car rolling in over there,” Lindsey said, gesturing to the car.

“We can do it in the backseat,” Emelie suggested.

“You are insatiable,” Lindsey answered.

“Wouldn’t insatiable refer to me already having got some?” Emelie asked.

“You did yesterday. The day before that too. You probably sucked my cock ten times this week alone,” Lindsey argued.

“Yeah, but not today,” Emelie said.

“Please don’t ask when we are with Heidi,” Lindsey said.

Emelie tried to not pout. Lindsey had been on several dates with her, but this would be the first time Emelie met her. She better be as awesome as Lindsey had been saying. Either way, it was kind of cool that Heidi was allowing her to join today. She had to try and not be in their way at the party, even if it meant she had to try and socialize with unknown old people.

“Hey. Wow, you two look great,” Heidi said from her rolled down car window.

Emelie nearly dropped her jaw as the older woman stepped out of her car. The wind catching her golden hair, making it look like she had just descended from the heavens. She was wearing the tightest, shiniest, black pants that Emelie had ever seen, looking like it was part of her skin, but the shine making every detail of her legs and hips stand out. Her white top was just a strip of fabric stretching over her chest. Her breasts weren’t big, but with the abs on her stomach and her strong shoulders, they seemed to be the perfect size for her body. She had a black jacket on top of it, but it was designed to be very open as it just covered her sides and shoulders.

“What the hell,” Emelie said to herself.

“Especially you, Babe,” Heidi said, kissing Lindsey on the cheek.

She had an accent. A strong one. It made her voice sound like she was singing. How the hell did Lindsey get a date with someone like that? Sure, Lindsey was good looking too, but not like that.

“Hello, Emelie. It’s nice to meet you,” Heidi said.

“Nice to meet you too,” Emelie answered.

“Get in. We don’t want to be late,” Heidi said.

They all got into the car, and Emelie was alone in the backseat. She figured Lindsey didn’t want to sit with her in case she tried anything, but now when she knew that the date was an angel, she knew it was pointless. Lindsey would hold her cum to the end of time if it meant she could give it to Heidi.

“Who are you?” Emelie asked as they rolled out of the parking lot.

“Lindsey hasn’t told you anything? She told me a lot about you,” Heidi said.

“I didn’t tell her much, because I knew she would get like this,” Lindsey excused herself.

“Who are you?” Emelie asked again.

“I’m Ragnheidur Snorradottir, but everyone calls me Heidi,” she said.

That didn’t even sound like a real name.

“Where you from?” Emelie asked.

“Iceland. Hafnarfjoerdur, close to Reykjavik,” Heidi answered.

She had heard about Reykjavik. Everything else sounded made up. It would explain her weird accent and the names.

“What are you doing here?” Emelie asked.

Even if it was a believable cover story, it wasn’t out of the question that she was an alien spy, here to do reconnaissance work before an invasion.

“Driving us to a party isn’t a good enough answer, I presume,” Heidi answered.

It was funny, but not the answer she needed.

“I run a model agency. That is actually how I met the host of the party we are going to. She was one of my first clients, even if she quickly moved on to bigger and better things. She is on TV now,” Heidi said.

The only thing that didn’t make any sense, is that she must be more beautiful than any of her models. Unless she used to be one, and now was managing them instead.

“You a model too?” Emelie asked.

“Not so much anymore. I started when I was 17. Had to move to Sweden when I was 18 to get more opportunities. Soon I split my time in London, Paris, Milano, and eventually New York and Los Angeles,” Heidi explained.

“You never told me that,” Lindsey said. “How did you transition to what you do now?”

“Modeling is hard. I got sick. That happens to a lot of girls, but I was lucky that my agency wanted me to help them with bookings. I got to learn the other side of the business that way, and I wanted to make a difference by starting my own agency. Treat our models better so they don’t end up like me,” Heidi said, sounding like she was trying to not get emotional.

“How did you two meet?” Emelie asked.

Lindsey had told her, but she wanted to make sure the stories added up.

“Dating app. Babe, did you tell her what I was actually doing?” Heidi asked.

“No. You shouldn’t tell her,” Lindsey said.

“Can I trust you, Emelie?” Heidi asked.

“Say no, Em,” Lindsey said.

Of course she could be trusted. She had never heard a secret that she couldn’t keep. The important question was if she could trust her!

“What were you doing?” Emelie asked.

“I was looking for models. I know that’s bad. Preying on hopeful people and see if I can lure them into becoming a model,” Heidi said.

“Isn’t that what predators do?” Emelie asked.

“Yeah. One of my girls had to cancel a shoot, and I was trying to find a replacement. I couldn’t and we lost the contract, but I found Lindsey instead. Have you ever seen someone for the first time, and wanted to change everything about your life to make room for them?” Heidi asked.