Kylie tried not to watch them, she really did. She had tried to read her book, but it had been impossible to concentrate on the words on the page when the only thing she could think about was the couple across the aisle from her. They’d gotten on the bus about an hour after she had, walking down the aisle holding hands and laughing. It had only been a few minutes after the bus had gotten back on its way when they’d begun kissing. It’d been easier to ignore them then. At first, Kylie had just looked out the window and watched the scenery go by, thinking about the boyfriends she’d had in high school, wondering when she’d finally lose her virginity.

At the first stop, the couple had stayed on the bus, completely ignoring all the other passengers getting off for soda or bathroom breaks. Kylie had gotten off the bus with everyone else, not for the bathroom or a snack, but to give herself a chance to cool down. While she’d been able to mostly ignore them, she was more than a little turned on after listening to their breathless moans and whispers for the past hundred miles.

It had gotten worse after the stop. By then, Kylie had tossed her book aside and tried to tune out their sounds with her ipod, but she found her eyes continually drawn back. Until finally, Kylie stopped trying to look away. Instead, she adjusted herself so she leaned against the side of the bus and faced them, her legs stretched out on her seat in front of her. She figured if they happened to see her watching, she could quickly look away, or pretend to be falling asleep. But considering their total absorption in each other, she didn’t think she had anything to worry about.

Though the lighting in the bus was growing dim, Kylie could see that the man had unbuttoned the woman’s shirt, exposing her breasts almost completely. The woman wore no bra and her nipples were hard, and seemed, to Kylie’s inexperienced eye, almost painfully erect. The man pinched and pulled her nipples, alternating between them. The woman occasionally arched her back and thrust her chest out toward the man, and Kylie assumed she must have been enjoying the sensation. Kylie had never seen anyone touch a woman’s breasts the way the man was, and had certainly never experienced it. Her boyfriends, the few who had been allowed to touch her breasts in high school, had mostly rubbed and squeezed them like they would a cow. She’d never enjoyed it much, but not knowing better, she’d thought that was the way foreplay was supposed to be. Which might explain why she’d not actually gone all the way with any of them.

While he continued to pinch the woman’s nipples, the man kissed the woman. As Kylie watched, the man kissed along the woman’s jaw and over toward her ear and then down her neck. The woman arched her back again and moaned. Almost without knowing it, Kylie began to lightly tease her own nipples through her shirt. When she realized what she was doing, she looked around at the other passengers, making sure no one had seen her touching herself. Certain of her privacy, Kylie continued to tease her nipples and then, experimentally, pinched one. She gasped at the sensation, understanding what the woman was feeling. Kylie watched as the man lowered his head to one nipple and suckled it. Kylie did know what that felt like, and she had enjoyed it, a little. But this man seemed to do something different than her boyfriends had; occasionally, he would almost bite down on the woman’s nipple and each time the woman would grab his head. At first, Kylie thought the woman wanted him to stop. Then she realized that she was grabbing his head to hold him hard against her breast.

Kylie pinched her nipple again harder. Again she gasped at the sensation, but it didn’t seem like quite enough. Reaching behind her, Kylie quickly unclasped her bra, so that she could loosen it from her breasts. She desperately wanted skin-to-skin contact, and touching herself through her shirt and her bra was not nearly good enough. Looking around her again, she decided it would be safe to reach under her shirt and touch herself. She pinched her bare nipple, harder yet, and an audible cry came out of her lips. She closed her eyes in embarrassment, and so didn’t see the couple glance in her direction. They smiled at one another, realizing that Kylie was watching them. By the time Kylie opened her eyes and brought herself to check if anyone had heard her, the couple was once again absorbed in each other.

Kylie watched as the man sat back against his seat, no longer facing the woman. Kylie was disappointed that he had stopped kissing her, until she realized that the woman was unzipping the man’s pants. The man was sitting in the aisle seat, just a few feet from Kylie, and she could see the slide of the zipper and the woman’s hand reaching into his pants and pulling out his cock. Kylie gasped at his length and at the couple’s complete lack of inhibitions. She had never seen a man’s cock in real life and had certainly never seen one so close, and she was shocked that the couple would expose themselves so publicly.

But she was also glad they had because Kylie was incredibly aroused by the site of the man’s pulsing erection. It seemed to stand almost upright from his body. The woman began to slide her hand up and down the length of it, almost caressing it with each stroke. Kylie looked at the man’s face and saw that his eyes were closed and he was half-smiling. The woman was completely focused on what she was doing. After several more strokes, the woman leaned down over his cock and licked the very tip. Kylie was shocked that the woman would go so far on a bus. Just like she’d never seen a cock, she’d never seen a blowjob and though she’d heard stories, she didn’t actually know how to give one. She was very curious to see how it worked.

The woman continued to lick only the top of his dick, almost like a lollipop. That seemed easy enough to Kylie. Then the woman opened her mouth around it and began to take it into her mouth, inch by inch. The man wrapped his hand through the woman’s hair and pulled it back from her face, to give himself- and Kylie- a better view of the woman’s mouth as it worked its way down his shaft. Kylie’s eyes grew wide as the woman lowered herself all the way to the bottom of his cock. The whole thing was in her mouth! Kylie didn’t think she could ever do that, but just the idea of it made her panties damp. She had an aching need to touch herself, to rub her hand over her clit, like she sometimes had after her boyfriends dropped her off after a date.

Kylie watched the woman’s head as she began to bob up and down, swallowing and then almost releasing the cock over and over. The man’s face grew tense and Kylie wondered, briefly, how it would taste when he came in the woman’s mouth. The woman began to move faster and faster, and Kylie could no longer resist. Checking yet again that no one was watching, Kylie slid her hand between her legs and began to press against the rough seam of her denim jeans. While it wasn’t as good as being able to touch herself, the hardness of the denim provided plenty of friction for her clit, and she began to rub in time to the woman’s head, trying to keep pace with the motion of her mouth.

Kylie saw a small tug of the man’s hand on the woman’s hair and the woman pulled up from his cock, just a couple of inches. The woman began to stroke the man’s cock again with her hand, faster and firmer than before. Kylie continued to rub against her jeans, wanting very badly to have a man between her legs, to know what that man’s cock felt like inside her. The tension built in Kylie’s body as she watched them, watched the rigidity of his cock and the stroke of the woman’s hand. Her whole body tightened, and just as Kylie was on the brink of her orgasm, the man’s hips lifted off the seat and Kylie watched as come spurted out of his cock and onto the woman’s face and neck. Kylie could see it clinging to her skin and dripping slightly down her neck. The man’s hips continued to jut off the seat slightly until, eventually, he stilled. The woman looked up at him and laughed.

Kylie’s clit still throbbed and even though she’d had a small orgasm, her body ached for more. She continued to rub through her jeans even though it was no longer enough. She watched as the man handed the woman a tissue and the woman cleaned off her skin. Again, Kylie vaguely wondered what it tasted like, and she wondered why he had come on her face and not in the woman’s mouth. She was glad he had, though, because she’d been able to watch the pulsing of his cock and the spray of his come as he shot out of him.

Suddenly, Kylie became aware that the couple was watching her, and she looked away, embarrassed at having been caught.

“Enjoy the show?” she heard him ask. She turned to him, surprised by the question. Seeing the genuine interest on their faces, she smiled shyly and nodded.

“Good,” the woman told Kylie.

The man laughed at that, and said, “We’ve still got a long way to go until we get there. Maybe we can do it again.”

Kylie’s cheeks turned pink in embarrassment, but she was aroused enough by the idea to reply, “I hope so.”