In her pink tennis shoes and knee length, white socks, Mandy’s feet made their way along the sidewalk on autopilot. A few inches above the socks, the bottom hem of her plaid skirt swished back and forth beside her bare thighs. Tucked into where the skirt hugged her slim waist, her white, button-up blouse covered her torso and arms. In deference to school rules, the clothes weren’t tight, yet the curves of her tiny, heart-shaped ass and full, C-cup breasts were still evident. A pair of straps over her shoulders held a bookbag against her back, its weight bouncing lightly with her strides. With her head tilted down so her bright green eyes could focus on her phone, the long loose tresses of her rich strawberry-blond hair hung down and partially obscured her sweet, innocent features.

Instinctively knowing she was nearing home, she absently reached for bookbag’s side pocket, where her keys should have been. But when she didn’t find the familiar bulge, an image of the keys hanging on their hook as she had left the house that morning flashed in her mind.

“Shoot,” she huffed past her slim lips.

Not knowing what else to do, she called her mom at work.

“Hey Mandy. What’s up?” Ms. James answered the phone.

“I, um… I forgot my keys this morning,” Mandy admitted, embarrassed.

“Oh Honey. I can’t come home for a couple hours.”

This didn’t surprise Mandy. Her mother had a demanding job with little flexibility. Yet, the schoolgirl was crestfallen as she stood on the sidewalk, trying to think of a solution.

“Hey, I know,” her mother piped up. “I think Matt, that is Mr. Kole, still has the key we gave him last year when we had to rush out to Grandma’s. Why don’t you see if he’s home?”

“Um, yea, his car’s in its spot,” Mandy sighed, somewhat reluctantly.

“Okay then, Honey. I’ll see you later.”

With that, her mother hung up, leaving Mandy to stand on the sidewalk, trying to work up the courage to ring their neighbor’s doorbell. Her hesitation wasn’t because she didn’t like Mr. Kole. Just the opposite, in fact. He was tall and handsome, with an easy, genuine smile, and she had had a crush on him for a couple years. So she didn’t want to look silly in front of him.

Yet, the only other option she could think of was to hang out in their backyard until her mother got home, and her phone needed charged. So, taking a deep breath to steal her nerves, she stuffed her phone into the bookbag and walked to the Mr. Kole’s door.

When he opened it, Mandy’s breath caught in her throat. Standing more than a foot taller than her in his bare feet, he wore a pair of dark slacks and a dark shirt. The latter was untucked and unbuttoned, hanging open to show his firm torso and, while Mandy had known he had a nice body, she had never seen it.

“Hey, Mandy. What’s up?” He smiled his genuine smile as his eyes quickly took in her own outfit.

“Um, uh, I’m locked out of our house.” Color rising to her cheeks, she tried to meet his gaze, but couldn’t and she ended up looking down. “Do you still have that key from last year?”

“I think so. Why don’t you come inside and I’ll look for it?”

“Uh… Yea, okay,” she managed.

“Come on. It’s probably in the kitchen,” he said, leading the way.

The front of his house had an open floor plan with only a low partisan wall separating the living room from the kitchen and a hall leading off these toward the back. Following him past the partition wall, Mandy thought she recognized a familiar aroma but brushed it off as her imagination.

“I’ve got this drawer that somehow collects all kinds of things,” Mr. Kole said over his shoulder as he started rummaging through the drawer.

Feeling a weird kind of nervousness, Mandy stood near the little table next to the wall. After a moment, she realized she was looking at his ass and felt the color returning to her cheeks.

“I’m not seeing it,” he announced, still pushing things around.

A slight change in his voice drew her gaze up to the thin layer of smoke hovering above him. That was when she noticed that he was only using one hand to dig around in the drawer, his other hand busy holding a joint: the origin of the familiar aroma. Mandy’s lips curled into a little smile. Although she had had the crush on her neighbor, she had always thought of him as just another older man and never considered that he might do things like smoke pot. That was something her generation did, something the older generation had given up, if they had ever done it.

“Well, if I do still have it, I can’t find it. Sorry,” he apologized, closing the drawer and turning around.

“Um… OK,” she sighed, her gaze once more dropping so that her hair partially obscured her innocent features.

“Well, if you want, you can hang out here until your mom gets home,” he offered.

“I don’t know.”

“I’m not doing anything important, just making me some dinner,” he shrugged.

Despite being nervous, the idea appealed to her. She had never had the chance to really hang out with him. They had chatted briefly during neighborly cook outs and he had always been polite and amusing. Yet, she didn’t really know him. Heck, she hadn’t even known he smoked pot.

“Yea, okay,” she shrugged, thinking she had nothing else to do.

“Great,” he smiled, waving at the table for her to have a seat. “You want a bottle of water?”

“Yes, please,” she nodded, dropping her bookbag onto the table and pulling out a chair.

On his way to the fridge, he dropped the joint in the tiny ashtray on the table and when he set the bottle of water down in front of her, Mandy was absently staring at the glowing tip.

“I guess I should first ask what your mother would say if I offered you some?”

“Huh?” The question surprised Mandy.

“Would your mother be okay with me offering you a hit? Or would she skin me alive?”

“Who said she’d have to know?”

“Okay then,” he grinned, casually indicating the joint before turning to the counter and starting to cut up some vegetables. “How old are you now?”

“I turned eighteen a few months ago,” she answered after taking a hit.

“Oh yea, that’s what that party was for. Well, happy birthday again.”


“You’re a senior in school, right?”


“So, you’ll be graduating in a few months.”


“Any plans for college?”

“Why do all adults ask the same questions?” Mandy exhaled smoke.

Mr. Kole set the knife he was using down and turned around. Grinning, he reached out to accept the joint in her outstretched hand.

“Yea, I guess we do,” he acknowledged before taking a puff.

Again, she found it difficult to meet his gaze, but her lips did curl into another little smile.

“So, forget I asked,” he shrugged, handing the joint back to her then lifting a rocks glass to his lips and taking a sip of the amber liquid inside before turning back to the vegetables.

“What are you making?” Amber asked.

“Chicken Stew.”

“Chicken Stew? Not beef?” The marijuana was calming her nerves and she got up to stand a couple feet to the side of where he was working.

“Well, I work out–.”

“It shows,” Mandy interrupted him, the color returning with disbelief that the words had slipped out of her mouth.

Again, his knife stopped cutting as he turned his head slightly to offer her a smile.

“Thank you,” he said before turning his attention back to cutting the vegetables. “So, I also like to eat healthy. Makes the work-outs pay off more. And beef isn’t the healthiest, but I always loved the blended flavors of stew. So… Chicken Stew.”

“Makes sense,” she took another hit from the joint then offered it to him again.

“No thanks. I’ve had enough for now. That’s some pretty good stuff so be careful. I can’t have you stoned when your mom gets home.”

“Yea, I am feeling pretty good,” she admitted, setting the joint in the ashtray then returning to the counter.

“So, tell me, little miss Mandy. Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked as he slid the diced vegetables from the cutting board into a pot.

“Yea. Well, kinda,” she answered, uncertain of how to define the boy named Donny she spent time with.


She was definitely feeling a buzz and suddenly wanted to sit down, but she didn’t want to sit at the table where she would be forced to stare at his back. Deciding to hop up and sit on the counter like she had hundreds of times at home, she turned her back to it and set her palms in place. But went she went to hop up she realized she must be higher than she thought as she lost her balance and started to fall.

Moving quickly Mr. Kole caught her, his hands grabbing her waist firmly.

“Careful,” he smiled, as he effortlessly lifted her onto the counter.

“Thanks,” she sighed, now embarrassed for a whole different reason.

He stayed there for a moment, his hands lingering on her waist. Too embarrassed to lift her face, she looked up at him through the tops of her eyes. Seeing his gaze crawling down over her body, checking out her semi-hidden curves and slightly parted thighs reaching out from under her skirt, sent a tingle racing along her nerves.

Then he stepped over to the sink where the chicken part of his stew awaited preparations.

“So, what’s this ‘kinda boyfriend’ about?” He asked, turning on the water and starting to wash the skinless breasts.

After catching him looking at her like that, it took her a moment to find her voice.

“Well, we hang out and do stuff. But he’s not…” She tried explaining when she did find it, the words trailing off with uncertainty.

They were silent for a couple minutes while he washed the chicken and set it on the cutting board.

“Does he pressure you for sex?” He asked, his tone casual as he started cubing the meat.

The question caused the color to rise once more in Mandy’s cheeks and a small, embarrassed giggle escaped her lips.

“Did I say something funny?” Mr. Kole feigned ignorance.

“No. No, you didn’t,” she whispered.

“So does he?” He pressed after a moment.

“I- I’m saving myself for marriage.” The waver in her voice reflected her conviction in the statement. Her and some girlfriends had taken a pledge when they were 13, but in the years since she had grown to doubt in it and didn’t know if she still was waiting. She just knew Donny wasn’t the one she wanted to give herself to.

“Hmm. That’s… an interesting choice in today’s world.” He paused his cutting. “But it doesn’t answer my question.”

This new line of questioning was pushing past the relaxing effects of the pot to make her nervous and she hesitated in answering, almost wishing he would go back to asking her about college. Yet, his casual demeanor made her curious to see how far he would take it.

“Um… Uh… Well, yes and no.” She stammered as a partial answer.

“OK…?” He drew the single word out as a question.

Again hesitating, she realized that she was dangerously close to telling a very intimate secret to this older man whom she had a crush on. Thinking she could just hang out in her backyard until her mom got home, she considered refusing to answer. She could simply get down counter and leave. She doubted if he would try to stop her.

But she didn’t. Her curiosity about how he would react to her secret keeping her there.

“There’s more than one way to have sex, you know,” she managed to whisper, her nerves keeping her from saying it any louder.

“Well, I do know that,” he nodded, adding the meat to the vegetables.

They were silent again while he washed his hands.

“So, what are we talking about?” He asked as he dried them.

When he stepped over to stand near her and rest a hand on the counter Mandy reflexively looked down. Seeing his hand only inches from her skirt-covered thigh, her nerves began to tingle again. Lifting her gaze for a brief moment before she had to look down once more, she looked in his eyes and she saw something familiar in them. A gleaming hunger that she saw in Donny’s eyes when he wanted to have sex with her. But it was different in Mr. Kole’ eyes. More confident. Less nervous and hesitant. And it made her heart start to race within her chest.

“Um… Uh…,” she stammered, her breath catching in her throat.

“Mandy,” he sighed deeply. “What do you and this ‘kinda boyfriend’ do?”

“We… Um… We…” She haltingly whispered, her eyes creeping upward to the crotch of his slacks and the obvious outline of his manhood. Her racing heart sped up and she blurted out her secret as a single word, “He-puts-it-in-my-butt.”

“Really. Anal huh,” his exhaled softly. “You like it?”

“Yes,” she breathed. “I-I di-didn’t at first cause it hurt. But then I got used to it and now it feels good when we do it.”

“Do you use lube to make it easier?”

Nodding meekly, she indicated her bookbag without understanding why.

Retrieving the bag, Mr. Kole held it up and she adroitly unzipped the side pocket to extract the tube of anal lube. Setting the bag off to the side on the counter, he took the lube from her and gave it a cursory inspection before confidently slipping it into his back pocket.

With her head tilted down and her eyes still staring at his crotch, Mandy felt his eyes roving over her body again. This, combined with the fact that he stood close enough that his hip was nearly touching her leg, sent tropical gusts wafting through her body. These were enhanced when his hand slid across those inches to gently rest on her thigh where the skirt covered it.

“So, if you’re saving yourself, why do you do it?” He asked.

“I-I like kissing and… other things,” she whispered breathily.

“You like kissing,” he breathed.

The tropical gusts grew as he used his body to force her legs apart just enough for him to slide between them, coming closer. His hand at her thigh slid back to cup the curve of her ass and other one came up to her chin. Lifting her face, he looked into her eyes with a confident, understanding gaze.

Is this really happening? She asked herself, her own eyes filled with nervous uncertainty.

A few strands of her strawberry-blond hair lay along her cheek. Brushing these back, he leaned in to bring his lips to hers. Lifting herself to meet him, she closed her eyes. His lips lightly brushed against hers once… twice… three times, the hand at her chin sliding back to cuff the back of her head. Then his lips locked gently against hers and guided them open. His tongue slid into her mouth and she raised hers in greeting. As the two appendages swirled over and around one another, his fingers tensed against her ass, pressing at it through her skirt.

They kissed for several minutes, their lips pressing together, parting for a breath, then pressing together again. Their tongues swirling and swiping. With each kiss… every connection of their lips… every brush of his tongue against hers, the tropical gusts grew warmer and warmer, wafting through her to stir the embers within her loins, making them start to smolder.

Mandy couldn’t believe she was making out with Mr. Kole in his kitchen. She had imagined what it would be like to kiss him, but she had never actually believed it would happen. As if to reassure herself that it was real, she reached out to grip his forearm with one hand and scratch at his shirt where it covered his chest with the other.

Eventually pulling away, he gently kissed her cheek a couple of times. Using his hand to keep her hair out of the way, he leaned in and kissed the tip of her ear, then ran the tip of his tongue delicately down along its edge. Reaching the lobe, he caught it between his teeth and gave it a gentle nip.

“Uh.” Mandy inhaled, electricity shooting through the nerve-endings and making her close her eyes again.

With her head tilted, her hair hung down to brush against her hand and his forearm. Her other arm was bent inward, her tensing fingers remaining at his chest.

“Did you like kissing me, Mandy?” He whispered, his warm breath swirling in her ear.

Her breath catching in her throat, she sighed a quiet whimper of confirmation.

“You said you like other things too.” His lips remained close to her ear, his breath swirling inside it. “What other things?”

Now that he had kissed her after she had told him that, she wasn’t sure how to answer. Or if she could… if she should. She wanted to… wanted to see what he would do… wanted him to do things. She just didn’t know if she had the nerve. So, instead of answering him, she sat there biting her lip with uncertainty.

“Tell me Mandy. What other things do you like?” He insisted huskily in her ear.

“I-I li-like to be tou-touched,” she exhaled, again unsure why.

“Mmm.” The sound vibrated knowingly in his throat as he brought his lips back to hers.

Kissing her, he drove his tongue into her mouth again and she enthusiastically raised her own. As they kissed his hand came away from the back of her head. The fingers brushed her neck, tracing delicate lines on her flesh before slowly sliding across her shoulder. The weight of the digits teased her as they gradually crept downward, slipping along the side of her breast. Then they slid inward to cup her lush mound… fondle it gently.

“Mmm,” Mandy mewled into their kiss, electricity sparking along her nerves to make her fingers scratch harder at his shirt as the breezes wafting through her fanned her smoldering embers.

Their lips pressed together… parted… pressed together. Their dueling tongues swirled and swiped at one another.

Sliding his hand further back on her taunt ass, Mr. Kole pulled her forward, forcing her legs to part more and her skirt to ride up her thighs a couple of inches. And as they kissed, his confident fondling of her breast gradually grew heavier, his fingers squeezing at the pliant flesh with a building hunger.

That growing hunger was reflected in Mandy’s body with each passing moment… each warm kiss… every manipulation of his fingers. Her breathing grew shallow. Her heart pounded within her chest, and within her breasts an ache manifested. Jolts of electricity sparked along her nerves. The tropical gusts turned her smoldering embers into sizzling, sparking coals of desire.

The growing desire caused her to timidly slide her hand down from his chest. Slipping inward, her fingertips lightly scratched at his exposed abs for a long moment as she fought with the nerves keeping her from doing what she wanted. Partially winning, she managed to lower her fingers to the waistband of his slacks, where they haltingly slid them back-and-forth for another minute.

As if knowing her internal struggle, he pulled his hand away from her ass and reached between them to takes hers, guiding it down to his crotch. Letting him place her hand atop the obvious bulge of his cock, she felt it throb under her touch. The sensation turned her sizzling embers into red-hot briquettes and her fingers instinctively scratched at his slacks, trying to wrap themselves around him. Although she could tell that he was bigger than Donny, she didn’t yet think about what that meant exactly.

Continuing to kiss her, he returned his hand to her ass and they spent a few minutes exploring one another.

When he did pull back again, she opened her eyes to look at him, the nervous anxiety running through her reflected in her gaze and the way her bottom lip timidly trembled. In his eyes she saw that the familiar hunger had grown… stronger with an intimate need. But again, it had that confidence and lack of uncertainty that was never in Donny’s eyes. It was more insistent. Less needy.

It kept her from having to wonder what he intended… she knew. And he knew he could. That she would let him. That she wanted him to.

Releasing her breast, he used that hand to cup her ass as well and slid her forward a little more before lifting her off the counter. As he brought her to him, she hooked her legs around his waist, brought her arms up around his neck, and folded herself to him with her head resting against his shoulder.