How to Submit Your Story

Welcome to the for the submission form. We’re excited you’re here, and we look forward to reading your work. We welcome your stories written in English, from all over the world. We are always looking for new talent, so don’t be shy!

If this is your first time visiting us, following our guidelines will give you the best possible chance of being accepted.

Please complete all fields in the form below. If you live outside the United States please fill in the parts of the form that pertain to you and where you live. Even if you are a past contributor and we have your information on file for a past book, we need your complete information again. If you have changed your contact information and you have a submission still outstanding for a book that is in process, please let us know your new information and the book you submitted.

Before you press the “Submit” button, please make sure the contact information you entered above is accurate.

Please be patient after you press the SUBMIT button.
Wait for the next screen to come up with a message that says:
SUBMISSION SUCCESSFUL! We have your work in our system. Thank you!
This is your confirmation that we have received your story or poem and that it has been entered into our database.