Hello there.

My name is Gale Sunheart and my dick is knotted deep in one of the finest fat asses in all of Stormwind. It’s soft and plush, squishing all over my lap as I press down on it. The woman who owns that ass moaned ecstatically as my balls pressed to her plump thighs and I began to pour out my enormous load. This veritable work of art I am pumping full of my semen belongs to one Madam Catherine, a Stormwind Lady with a very unfaithful husband, a son and a streak of lust in her that burns hotter than all of the Fel combined.

Now you maybe asking yourself, how did this gorgeous, canine-cocked Blood Elf come to be ravaging the asshole of Human Nobility? Well, because she paid me to do it.

Okay, maybe that doesn’t clear it up real well. See, I own a brothel in Stormwind. One might think a Blood Elf living in the heart of Stormwind might be suspicious, but when you have the love of dozens of Noblewomen and a fortune in gold, it becomes very easy to avoid trouble. Lots of political weight in those asses… Women… Whatever.

Still a bit confused? Alright. Take a seat there in my head and relax. I might as well go back to where it all started. You seem like the kind of person who would enjoy the lewd and erotic tale of a young Blood Elf sorceress and her adventure to become the fucktoy of some of the richest and most powerful women in the Human kingdom.

Honestly, I didn’t start like many of my race. I was expected to take up a trade or an art. None of that really appealed to me. Just to assuage my family, I began to study magic, but what I really wanted was to fuck. I wanted to fuck all the time. What do you expect of a girl born with an insanely overactive dick? Though at the time it wasn’t as big nor so canine.

After thirty years of chasing tail and idly toying with magic, I came across a dark tome in my master’s study. It was a book of Fel magic. I discovered how to summon demons and began to dig into that. It had so much more potential than boring evocations or enchantments. I mean, have you seen some of the succubi? Their asses are pure gold!

So I taught myself to summon demons over the next decade until I managed to bind a succubi to my will. The first night I had her in my home, I plowed her brains out. It was unlike any elf I had ever fucked. So willing and excited to have sex, so eager to have me cum inside her. I reveled in my own success and fucked her well past my own point of exhaustion. I couldn’t stop myself. I used every spell, every ounce of power I could, in order to extend my own stamina. Hours upon hours, I fucked the succubi and I made her cum dozens, or possibly hundreds, of times. I ended up passing out with my head on her plump breasts and my sore dick cradled deep in her spunk-packed womb.

In the night, my mistake was made clear. The imperfect bindings I had rushed to put on her unraveled and she broke free. Before I could awake or even do anything, she laid a curse upon me and vanished. My cock doubled in size and became that of a demon wolf, with a huge knot and absolutely massive balls. My libido became unending beyond imagination and I couldn’t control myself. I ran out of my house and leapt on the first person I saw; a beautiful young woman living next to me. I fucked her raw, knotted myself inside her and filled her with a river of cum. When the guards came, I was sure I was going to be imprisoned but the woman vouched for me. Told them that she invited me over and she enticed me in front of her house, that I couldn’t control myself because of her magic. She went to prison for two weeks for ‘disturbing the peace’, all for me. When I visited her, she was completely in love with me. She begged me to stick my dick through the bars and let her ride it right in front of the jailor.

Apparently my dick was just that good after the curse.

So for the next fifty years, I fucked everything. Every woman I could get my hands on. I discovered quickly that I was completely sterile. That suited me just fine as I loved knotting a girl’s cunt and blowing a quart of seed inside them. I fucked my life away until one night that I brought home a new woman and made the second huge mistake of my life. I had fucked the head of the guard’s virgin daughter, a girl betrothed to another. I was set upon by the entire city of Silvermoon mid-fuck. My only luck was that I hadn’t cum yet so my knot hadn’t inflated and stuck us together. I could make my esacpe.

The door to my house was broken in and my lovely partner quickly told me who it was. I couldn’t fight the whole city, let alone even one guard. I was a half-assed mage and my only real talent was fucking. In my desperation, I used my magic wrench open a portal and leapt through it. That is where I was about a year ago.


The churning tunnel of magic beat upon me as I tumbled through it. The guards left me no time to prepare and so it was a rough trip. I fell out of the other end of my portal in a dank alleyway. Thank the Light I landed on my butt because my dog dick was still massively erect and dripping in that cute little elf’s pussy juices. Behind me the ragged portal closed with a soft whoosh, erasing any chance of the guards following me. After a second of disorientation, I raised my eyes to look around the dark alley. The buildings weren’t of Silvermoon, they were grey stone and very square. Clearly not the elegant spires of an elvish city.

A breeze met my nose and I smelled salt. I was somewhere near the ocean. I shivered and looked around. They had caught me in the middle of dicking the cute girl. I was naked and my dick was hard, cum gathering to erupt forth from me. Forget where I had escaped to or the life that I had lost… I desperately needed to find more pussy to finish getting my nuts off.

So I reached my magic out and wrapped myself in shadows, concealing my body from view. It would keep me hidden until I knew where I was. I peeked out the alleyway and my eyes widened. All before me was a market bustling with humans. In the distance I could see the blue banners of Stormwind fluttering atop an enormous castle. I had brought myself to the heart of the human kingdom. That was a bit of an error.

While my safety from the Silvermoon Guard was all but assured, I now had a whole other trouble. The Blood Elves weren’t fans of the horde, but a lot of my kind despised humans. We didn’t get along too well since the humans had abandoned us in our time of need centuries ago. Personally, I never had a big issue with the humans I had met in some forays south, but then again I was hardly normal.

My train of thought came to a screeching halt when a woman walked past me and my jaw dropped open. She had larger breasts than almost any elf I had ever seen and her ass looked big enough in that dress to strangle me if I begged her to sit on my face. My dick throbbed hard enough that I had to focus on the spell keeping me hidden.

See, while elves were attractive with their long slender legs and lithe, flexible bodies, I rarely saw the greatest of my desires among them. That was curves. I liked a woman with gorgeous curves, heavy in the bum and bouncing with big tits. No elf ever got a body like that succubi so long ago and I wanted it again so bad.

I turned and danced skilfully into the passing crowd, slipping quickly after the plump, gorgeous woman. My hand snatched a cloak from a passing trade cart and it disappeared the moment I grabbed it, my magic enveloping it. I pulled the cloak around my shoulders and drew the hood up over my ears. Should my spell fail, I would have a better chance at going unnoticed like this than being a naked elf with a monster dog cock.

The busty woman led me up the street and towards richer areas. She was wearing a pale green dress with her dark brown hair done up around her ears. She had such a glorious ass on her that it stretched the dress’s seams when she turned or swayed her hips just right.

I followed the woman to a large manor in a clearly upper class part of Stormwind. She walked in the front door and shut it before I could follow. I circled around the house and found a side door that I opened slowly and quietly. It led me into an empty kitchen. I stole quietly through the house and stopped in the foyer.

“Where have you been?” A man yelled at the woman my dick was aching for.

“I went to the market! We needed bread and milk.” The woman said sharply, clearly a veteran of arguments with this man.

“Of course, spending all my money! If it wasn’t for our son, I would have you out of here, woman!” The man yelled at her.

“If it wasn’t for our son, you would have your mistress in here. Of course, if that was the case then at least there would be some sex happening in this house!” The woman screamed at him.

“Cathy, don’t you even start. Just because I don’t feel like dealing with your excessive desires doesn’t mean I have another woman! Don’t you dare besmirch my good name!” He roared but the woman didn’t back down. I found my dick getting harder watching the feisty fire that burned within her.

“Excessive desires?! It’s not excessive to want love! It’s not excessive to need to be loved! I’m forty-one! I’m still a woman! My needs aren’t excessive! It’s only the one! I just want to be loved once in a damn year!” The plump Cathy yelled.

“Well maybe if you hadn’t gotten so fat after having our son, I might feel more inclined to! Work on that and then maybe we’ll come back to this.” He said, waving to her wide hips and huge breasts.

“What?!” Her face reddened, “Michael, you son of a bitch! You’ve been throwing that in my face since he was born almost twenty years ago! He’s getting married soon and he’ll have his own family before winter! You haven’t wanted me since I grew pregnant with your child! You only liked me when I was tiny and thin! But I raised your son and suddenly I’m not good enough! You are such an asshole!” She screamed and tears ran from her eyes.

“I’m not going to go through this again with you. I’m going to the pub.” He growled and stomped away.

“No you’re not! Just admit it! Admit you are going to fuck that little red headed slut I’ve seen you with!” Cathy yelled, tears dripping from her chin.

There was the sound of the front door slamming and Cathy slumped on the counter, sobbing heavily. I smiled to myself. This woman just found her dream in me. I was going to fulfill her every need and desire, I was going to fuck her until she was happy again.

Cathy wiped at her eyes and walked out of the kitchen, “Damn jackass. Is it so much to ask? He married me…” She sniffled, “Was so damn dashing back in the day… Used to have great sex!”

She shuffled down the hallway and I trailed silently behind her. She went into a large bedroom and stood before a full length mirror.

“Why couldn’t I have just stayed thin? I could’ve been happy. Now it’s so hard to lose any weight.” Cathy pulled at her bodice and loosened her dress, letting it slide off her and to the floor. She stood before the mirror with only a little white slip clinging to her body.

My jaw opened so fast that I was sure she had heard it hit the floor.

Her body was amazing. Pure and simple. Her hips were wide and plush, her ass jiggling with every motion. Her breasts were plump and only just barely starting to droop with age. I can’t imagine where the man, Michael, was getting the idea to fuck some little waif instead of her. Her breasts jiggled above a soft middle with barely a hint of pudge. Her hips widened out into glorious motherhood and her butt looked so fluffy and soft that I could use it as a pillow. My dick jerked eagerly and I imagined what it would be like to have my head clenched between her thighs. I couldn’t hold myself back a second longer.

Before she could turn around, I dropped my cloak and leapt upon her.

“Waaaahhh!” The woman screamed shrilly as my hands grabbed her breasts and my huge, throbbing cock pressed up against that thin, lacy slip. I ground against her and wedged that thin material between her asscheeks. She was as soft as clouds on my dick and I groped her harder.

“You are a magnificent woman!” I growled at her, letting my shadow spell fall.

“Ahhh! An elf? What’re you doing here? What’re you going to do to me?!” The woman panicked in my arms.

I squeezed her breasts harder and bit her on the neck teasingly, “I am going to fuck you until my dick hurts.”

“Wha…?” The woman whimpered, her eyes going wide.

“Feel this? Feel my dick? Your amazing body has made me like this.” I shoved my burning red member up and down, grinding her cheeks until my precum was starting to soak through her slip.

“Ohhh…” The woman moaned as my fingers found her puffy nipples through her slip. She squirmed in my arms and I felt her body heating up as her heart beat faster. She looked up at me in the mirror, “I’m… I’m not much into women… but I need it… Please, make me feel good! My husband has his mistress, I deserve love too! Put that penis… Mmm… That big fat cock inside me!”

I grinned widely at her and grabbed the hem of her slip. I pulled it up and she held her arms up to let me take it off. Her body was gorgeously naked before me and I grabbed at her huge breasts again. Her areolae were red and very sexy as I teased them. My dick ground up against her bare ass and she hummed happily. I smiled, “You had no underwear on under that slip. Pretty kinky.”

“Ahhh!” She gasped when I thrust my cock between her thighs and it ground hard against her pussy. Her flesh was delightful and hot against me. She touched the head of it nervously, “On the off chance my husband would touch me… I hoped to entice him.”

“Well it worked on me.” I pushed back and forth, lazily fucking her soft thighs.

Cathy moaned happily and stared at my cock, “It’s so huge. It’s like that of a dog. So exotic, I didn’t know you elves were like this. I can’t wait to feel it inside me.”

“Well then bend over, you sexy, magnificent goddess.” I said, drawing myself back to her nethers. She smiled from ear to ear as she grabbed the edges of the mirror stand and bent forward. My cock nestled against her wet pussy and I pushed the narrow tip in easily. Her pussy stretched as the real girth pressed inside.

A shrill cry escaped her mouth and her eyes crossed with pure pleasure. Her insides were unlike any elf I had been in. The elves I had fucked had been tight and clenching, milking my cock hard and fast like nothing else. This woman was deep and soft, blazing hot inside and caressing my length like a plush pillowy hole. Youth wasn’t all it was cracked up to be if you could be as hot and loving as Cathy’s pussy was on my cock. It was as if she had never experienced real sex before, Cathy felt that amazing wrapped around my cock.

“You feel so amazing inside! How can your husband not want to fuck you? Oh by the Light, I don’t think I’d ever stop!” I moaned, sinking down to my sheathe inside her.

“You’re big! You’re huge! You’re stretching me out! Oh more! More elf! Put more dick in me! I love it!” She panted, clinging to the mirror tightly.

I forced my dick right to the root and she moaned deeply. It was the moan of a mature and passionate woman who knew exactly what was coming and exactly how fucking bad she wanted it. I pressed hard against her, feeling her pussy stretch wide around me. Her insides were soft and loose, easily accommodating me thanks to her motherhood. I felt my balls come to rest on her thighs and I slumped over her back happily. I couldn’t wait for my knot to grow so I could pump her full to bursting.

“Cathy, I love your pussy. You are an amazing woman!” I moaned, thrusting against her ass.

“Fuck me! Please! Fuck me hard! You’re stretching me out inside! Its so amazing!” Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and she drooled down the mirror.

“You’re making me cum! I’m going to fill you up! Your womb is going to swim in my seed!” I exclaimed and my knot started to grow. Her eyes widened as I thickened inside her and tied us tightly together. Her moans grew ever more whorish and needy. My urethra stretched wide and a massive eruption of spunk impacted her womb. Her eyes went wide and she gasped, body blazing with the sensation of her womb filling up.

I grunted and shoved against her, pumping more cum from my huge sack. I thrust my knot back and forth, filling her more and more with cum until she was panting and heavy with it. She slumped forward against the mirror and I pressed up against her back, dick locked deep inside her.

“Amazing…” She swooned with half-lidded eyes. She reached down and rubbed her leaking pussy, “You came so much. I’ve not felt this great in years.”

“Your husband is a fucking moron.” I breathed hard and hugged her tightly, drawing her back up against me.

“Thank you so much for this. I feel alive again. This is like a dream.” She sighed with a smile.

“This? We’re not done yet. Lady, if you think I’m giving in after a single load in your pussy, you’re fucking crazy. I told you I was going to dick you until I hurt. I mean it.” I laughed at her and turned around.

“What?” She cried out as I pulled her from her feet and laid her face-down on the big bed in the middle of the room. My knot was starting to shrink and I slowly eased it from her stretched pussy. Cum erupted across my legs and she exhaled sharply. My gooey cock slapped down on her plump bottom, not soft in the slightest.

“You’re still hard!” Cathy said, her eyes sparkling brightly.

“And you’re not coated head to toe in my cum yet. Let’s fix that.” I grabbed her ass cheeks and began to grind myself between them. After I had rubbed all my cum around well enough, I pressed myself to her asshole and my pointed tip popped in.

“Ahhh! I love you! Oh Gods, I’ve not done it in that hole since I was a teenager! It feels amazing!” Cathy squealed, arching her back under me as I sank deeper. Her asshole was just as hot and inviting as her cunt had been. I buried myself completely inside her, her asshole taut around my girth.

“Has your husband ever done this?” I asked, lifting one of my legs up on the bed to let my huge, virile sack hang free. It slapped wetly against her ass as I drove down into her again and again.

“Never! He could never make love to me like this! You’re so much better than him!” Cathy cried out, fingers digging into the bedding as I drilled her asshole.

“That’s what I like to hear! Now take my dick. You love this cock, don’t you?” I pressed down on her and dug my fingers into her big soft tits.

She moaned happily, “Yes! I love it! I love you! I never want another cock again, only yours! I’ve never been knotted before and it was the best thing I’ve ever felt!” She screamed and I came deep up her ass.

I didn’t just cum though, I nutted harder inside that plush human asshole than I had been able to cum since the night with the succubus. I came and spurted and spewed, her tight ass holding my knot completely immobile. I blew so much seed that I thought my testicles were going to collapse. By the time I felt myself slowing down, Cathy was gurgling in front of me and cum was running out of her mouth.

I sighed heavily and laid down on her back. For the first time in decades, I didn’t feel like immediately plowing her again. Instead I cuddled up on her and rubbed myself against her warm body.

Cathy coughed up another mouthful of cum across the bed and sighed. She was breathing just as hard as I was and a weak smile came across her face, “Amazing…”


I awoke the next morning with a mixture of surprise and tingling pleasure. The surprise was because I had fallen asleep so quickly. Between the portal and the wild fuckings, I guess I wore myself out.

The pleasure was because I was sunk into a soft bed and there was a warm mouth working the top third of my cock while a pair of soft hands rubbed the rest.