“Hey Rob, I need a favor.”

Rob paused his game and turned to Jeff. He could tell from Jeff’s tone that it was serious. “Yeah, dude. What’s up?”

Jeff was standing near the couch. He was holding a gym bag and was not quite looking at Rob. That was weird. Rob and Jeff had been friends since middle school and Rob never seen Jeff look this nervous. Jeff shifted the bag to his other hand.

“C’mon man, spit it out. What do you need?” Rob said.

“Look. This is the last weekend before spring break, right?”

Rob nodded. He’d been trying to forget that. He didn’t have any plans for spring break. Not anymore. Not since Aubrey had dumped his ass. There hadn’t been any reason to spend the money on a trip. Jeff shifted the bag again and sat on the arm of the couch.

“There’s going to be a huge party out on the Point tonight at some rich kid’s house. It’s being co-sponsored by the girls at Omicron Gamma Sigma. I need to go to it.” Jeff continued.

That makes sense. Rob thought. Jen’s in OmGS.

“Ok, then go to it,” Rob said. He reached for his keys on the end table and tossed them to Jeff. “You can take my car.”

“No, dude. I don’t need your car,” Jeff took a deep breath then said in a rush. “I need you to be my date.”

Rob stared blankly at him. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“That’s part of the deal. If you’re not in an affiliated frat, you have to bring a chick with you. Otherwise, no entry. They don’t want the thing to turn into a sausage fest.”

“What the fuck does it have to do with me?” Rob asked. “Take some chick from one of your classes.”

“I can’t. I haven’t had time to line up a date.” Jeff sighed.

Rob nodded. Jeff had gone home late last week for his uncle’s funeral. Jeff and Rob were from Rockbridge, a 4-hour drive from their school. Probably didn’t have time to run game while he was at the wake. Rob thought. Fuck. If Jen’s at the party, this is a good chance for Jeff to finally take a shot.

“So, you want to bring a dude as a date to the party? Not sure that will help you score with Jen.” Rob got up from the couch and got two beers from the fridge. He handed one to Jeff, who looked away again.

“Not exactly.” He reached into his bag and pulled out a small white and pink box, about the size of a cigarette box. “I thought you could take one of these.”

Rob took the package and looked at it. X-Change: Fast-Acting Gender-Swap. Be the Person You Want to Be. He recognized it from the ads. They ran late at night and were filled with sexy women and jacked dudes showing off amazing bodies. They promised the ability to instantly change your sex for some period of time. Seemed like a godsend for transgendered people. But Rob had never considered the recreational possibilities. Not seriously anyway. Maybe a passing thought about what it might be like to be a woman for a while. I mean, he had sometimes — only sometimes — found himself wondering what sex was like for a woman. It seemed so much more intense for them. More powerful. Ok, so I’m a little curious. That doesn’t mean I want to try it. Fuck. I’m not gay. The only dick I need in my life lives right here in my pants.

“Are you kidding me? This stuff actually works?” Rob asked. He opened the beer and took a long sip.

“I don’t know,” Jeff shrugged. “But I thought it was worth a shot.”

He sat down and started on his beer. The best parties were almost always last weekend before spring break. Rob hadn’t said no yet, so Jeff kept pushing.

“This party is going to be huge. I can’t miss it. Jen’s going to be there. I know she will. I’ve been trying to get with this chick since sophomore year.” Jeff said.

Rob nodded. And made an ass out of yourself doing it. “She’s a cocktease, dude. You’re better off spending your time chasing a girl that would appreciate you.”

“Yeah, I know you’re right. I’ve decided this party is my last chance. If I strike out this weekend, I promise I’ll start looking for another hot blonde hockey player with great tits.” Jeff opened his beer. “Besides you owe me.”

Rob knew he was right. Jeff had been great friend after Rob’s girlfriend Aubrey had left. Rob had been devastated, but Jeff was there to make sure he didn’t wallow too long in self-pity. Jeff had gone above and beyond. He’d taken Rob out every night for a month. He’d stayed in to play video games with Rob on the weekends Rob wasn’t up for partying. He had even talked to some of the guys on the lacrosse team to see if there was any truth to the rumor that Aubrey was banging the team captain and star midfielder, C.J. Barrow. C.J. was good-looking, tall, strong, and a hero on campus now that the lacrosse team had a chance to win the division. Rob had caught Aubrey talking with C.J. a few times towards the end of the relationship. It had sparked a few fights. Jeff assured Rob that Aubrey hadn’t been cheating with C.J., but Rob wasn’t quite sure he believed it. And that wasn’t even counting all the shit Jeff had put up with when Rob’s parents had split up. He’s right though. I do owe him.

“Alright. Just for argument’s sake. What’s the deal with this stuff?”

“I talked to the guy at the pharmacy. He said it’s totally safe. Its FDA-approved and everything. They say there’s no risk of pregnancy.”

“Oh, well that’s good because it would really throw a damper on senior year if I got knocked up.”

Rob picked up the package again. Am I really thinking about this? I can’t really be thinking about this. Rob took another long swig of beer. He opened the box and pulled out a slim foil-backed blister pack that held ten pink pills. “How long does it last?”

“This is the 24-hour formula. They were out of the 12-hour stuff.”

“How does it work? You just take a pill and zap you’re a chick?” Rob tossed the package back to Jeff who dropped it back in the gym bag.

“Yeah, I think so. It’s supposed to be pretty much instant and totally painless. Then 24 hours later you change back. Nothing permanent. No side effects.”

Rob finished his beer and got another. Jeff watched him sit back down on the couch and drink half of it. Neither said anything.

“Ok, I’ll do it. I’ll take the pill and be your fucking date. But that’s it. I will help you get into the party and that’s it. I’m not going to talk to anyone. I’m sure as hell not going to fuck anyone. I probably won’t even stay long. I do this, get you into the party, and we’re even.”

“Dude, you’re the best. We’re more than even. I owe you for this.” Jeff put the gym bag down on the floor in front of Rob. “I brought some of Jane’s clothes, in case. You’ll need something to wear.”

“Shit. Are you kidding? You expect me to wear your sister’s clothes?”

“You have a lot of women’s clothes in your closet?” Jeff asked.

“Don’t fuck with me dude. I can still back out of this.”

“Yeah, but you won’t because you’re my best friend.” Jeff’s smile was ear to ear.

Rob slammed the rest of his beer, scooped up the bag and walked to his room.

“What time are we going?” he asked.

Jeff looked at his watch. “Well, we should probably head over pretty soon. It’s going to take a while to drive out there and I want to make sure I get to Jen before someone else locks it down.”

“I’d better change then.” Rob heard Jeff snicker.

“I meant to do that,” Rob said over his shoulder. “And I fucking hate you.”

He shut the door. Hard.

Rob tossed the gym bag on his bed and walked over to it. The pink and white box was sitting on neatly folded clothes. He picked it up and turned it over in his hands. He could feel a buzz coming on and realized that he drank those beers a bit too quickly. Whatever. Liquid courage, right? Maybe this isn’t that bad. I take a pill and go to this thing with Jeff. I don’t have to stay. I can come home and sleep it off. Tomorrow I’m back to normal and this is just a weird fucking memory. Who knows? Maybe Jeff gets lucky. God knows he deserves it.

Rob walked into his bathroom and turned on the light. He looked at himself in the mirror. He was a good-looking guy, if he said so himself. Sure, he wasn’t Brad Pitt, but he wasn’t Steve Buscemi either. Aubrey had always told him he had nice brown eyes too. Enough of that. Fuck that chick. Godamnit. Stop procrastinating. Rob pulled the foil from the box and popped a pill into his hand. He swirled the beer can and could feel a little bit left in it. He decided to wash the pill down with the last of the beer. He just needed a moment to collect himself. He was only going to do this once.

In that case, he thought, why not watch the show. In for a penny, after all. Rob stepped back from the counter and pulled his hoodie off. He tossed it in the pile of clothes sitting near the door. Then he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants and boxers together. Those joined the hoodie.

He studied himself in the mirror. The fact that he was going to change in a minute to something, someone that looked completely different made him nervous. He liked the way he looked. He obviously wasn’t an athlete, but he worked out enough to stay lean. Rob could see the outline of his abs. It wasn’t a six pack but it certainly wasn’t bad. He took his cock in his hand. It wasn’t a monster, Rob knew he sat right on the top of the bell curve for penis size, but it was his. It looked a bit bigger because of his trimmed pubes. Aubrey had complained about his manscaping once when she was nose deep in his short and curlies. After that he’d made sure to trim them regularly. He’d kept the habit even after they broke up. It’s only temporary. There won’t be any side effects. The pill is FDA-approved for fuck’s sake. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, popped the pill and washed it down.

Rob opened his eyes and watched as the pill worked its magic. It wasn’t quite instant — but it happened quickly. Gentle but relentless. He could feel a tension build inside him and a warm tingling across his skin. Like the pins and needles when his foot fell asleep, but stronger and somehow more intimate. Rob felt his chest pull tight and watched as his shoulders lost some of their breadth. His nipples became more prominent. The areola widened a bit. Then he was able to watch as his chest inflated. Two mounds began to bulge out. He watched as his pecs began to form into breasts. He felt them pulling outward. It felt oddly good. They gained size and weight. The tingling surged, and suddenly he had breasts. The abrupt addition of weight to his chest threw off his balance a bit and he caught himself with his hands on the counter with a gasp.

At the same time, he watched as his hair lengthened, dropping below his ears, then down to his shoulders. It framed his face, which was also softening and becoming more feminine. Rob hadn’t shaved that morning and he was shocked as he watched his scruff vanish as if it was pulled back into his face. His hair continued to grow and fell in front of his eyes. Rob ran his hands through it, pulling it back and tucking it over his ears so he could see. Brown eyes were looking at him from above smooth cheeks.

His hair stopped growing when it was just brushing the tops of Rob’s new breasts. The tingling continued throughout his body, though he felt the intensity begin to shift lower. He started breathing faster as the sensations spun through his body. The pulling was stronger now below his waist. He felt his legs lose some mass and became leaner and more shapely. They were a runner’s legs. He could even feel the hairs on his legs disappearing. Rob lifted his arms and saw that his armpits were no longer hairy. Holy shit! That’s a nice touch. This really does work. He realized that he was getting shorter, right before his eyes.

There was a tenseness inside him, as if his body was shifting around internally. It must have been, Rob realized, to accommodate his new biology. He didn’t spend much time thinking about it, however, as he had enough to worry about externally.

The tingling shifted to his ass and Rob spun around in time to watch his ass become rounder and more plump. He ran his hands over it and felt its firmness. It was a nice ass. The kind of ass he’d have checked out on the street. Twice.

Then he felt something he’d been dreading. The tingling, pulling sensation had moved to his dick. Oh fuck, this is the real deal. Rob turned back to the mirror and watched as the last of his manhood began to recede.

He watched as his cock began shrinking in length and girth. He felt it pulling back. No, no, no, no. Spreading his legs, he watched in shock as his balls pulled up into his body and his dick continued its vanishing act.

His balls were gone. Oh, Jesus. His cock had nearly vanished. He watched as the head shrank, and formed a small hooded nub. That’s a clit. Holy shit, it’s a clit. Then, the oddest feeling, as a space between his legs opened.

Rob suddenly felt a part of himself that he’d never felt before. Rob could feel his pussy. His pussy. I have a pussy… The pulling, tingling sensation was gone now. It must be over now. Tearing his eyes away he looked up at the stranger in the mirror. I’m a woman, he realized. That pill made me a woman.

A gorgeous woman.

Fuck. I’m a smokeshow! It was true. The pill had turned Rob from a pretty average guy to a very attractive woman. Brown hair fell below his shoulders. His face was familiar, but different. It had lost any trace of masculinity, but still somewhat resembled the face he knew. It wasn’t like looking at his sister, but maybe a female cousin. That’s a relief, Rob thought. Nobody will recognize me. I mean who would expect me to be a chick anyway? His stomach had firmed up, as had his legs. Apparently, this woman had logged some miles on the track.

“Oh, my God,” he said. Even his voice was different. It didn’t sound like him. It was a woman’s voice, soft, and somehow sensual. “What the fuck?”

He looked down at his tits. My tits. I have tits! They were firm, round, and poked out from his chest. He cupped his hands around them and hefted them. Not huge, maybe B-cup? Rob guessed. They felt good in his hands. His hands felt good on them. Very good. He gripped them more firmly, massaged them. Really good. Not just where he was touching them though. He also felt a strange sensation in his new pussy. Weird. He thought. Rob ran his fingers over his nipples and felt a surge through his whole body.

“Ah. Shit.” His eyes jolted wide. The intensity the sensation surprised him. And the fact that he felt it deep inside his new body. A rushing sensation inside his pussy. I guess I’m sensitiveHow sensitive? His hand traced down his stomach and brushed through the neatly trimmed strip of brown bush. Apparently his manscaping had carried through the change and become womanscaping. That’s a neat trick. His hand felt good on his body. It felt good inside his body. Damn, that’s fucking weird! He ran his finger along the slit and trembled involuntarily. His finger came away wet. Looking at the gorgeous woman in the mirror, Rob tweaked his nipple and began to rub his wet finger lightly around his clit.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

It felt unbelievable. He’d never felt something quite like it. Jerking off had never been like this. Rob watched as the beautiful woman in the mirror rubbed her clit. Her mouth was open as she panted a bit. Her fingers moving faster on her clit, her other hand fondling her breast. Intense sensations shot through him as he watched the woman. But it wasn’t a woman, it was him. What the fuck am I doing?

Rob stopped playing with himself. He gripped the counter hard. Get ahold of yourself man. Jesus. Rob realized that his head was spinning a bit. He remembered how quickly he’d drank those beers. It was more than a two-beer buzz, that was for sure. It must be the change to my bodyweight. I’m now a lightweight. Good to know. He walked out of the bathroom and looked at the clock by his bed. It had only been a few minutes since he had left Jeff in the other room.

It was too fucking weird. Only a few minutes ago, he’d been playing video games and minding his own business. Now he was a gorgeous brunette that was just playing with herself in the bathroom. Who the fuck does Jeff think he is, asking me to do this? Rob was kicking himself for agreeing to it. It was too fucking weird, even as a favor to Jeff. But it was too late to call it off now, wasn’t it? The time to back out was before he took that fucking pill. After all, he was stuck in his new body until this time tomorrow. What else was he going to do with his night? Go back to playing video games? Jill off in front of the mirror? No, he had come this far and he might as well see it through. With any luck his buddy would get laid. Jeff deserved a good fucking after all Rob knew it had been a while since Jeff had been with anyone. Too busy chasing after that cockteasing…I don’t get why he lets her lead him on like he does. Jeff deserves better than that. He’s such a good guy. That settled it. Rob wasn’t going to stay at the party, but if he saw Jen, he would definitely find a way to talk to her about Jeff.

Rob reached into the gym bag and began pulling out clothes. His new hair fell in front of his face, blinding him.

“Damnit,” he said, brushing it behind his ears again. “Wait, I think…”

He walked over to his dresser and opened a drawer. He shuffled through it and found what he was looking for. The only thing Aubrey had forgotten when she packed her things. A green scrunchie. Rob pulled his hair back and after fumbling for a bit, managed to get it wrapped into a pony tail. Then he returned to the gym bag to see what Jeff had brought for him. Rob began unpacking his options for the night.

Jeff had gone the sexy route. There was a red dress that looked like it might end just below Rob’s ass, with a neckline looked like it would show more of his tits than it would hide. There was a plaid skirt that would end about mid-thigh — it was probably from when Jane was in middle school — and a white button-down blouse. Does he think I’m Brittney fucking Spears? There was backless red, skin-tight shirt that Jeff had probably thought would pair with the grey patterned yoga pants. Fuck that. The last outfit was at least somewhat sane. A pair of low-rise jeans and a green sequined spaghetti strap top. Jeff hadn’t packed a belt. It wasn’t perfect, but there really weren’t many options. He set it aside and started sifting through a pile of underwear. There were panties — all thongs — and a handful of bras.

Rob flipped through the panties. Either Jeff had just grabbed a handful from Jane’s going-out drawer, or he’d chosen Jane’s laciest, skimpiest panties. None were quite butt-floss but they weren’t granny-panties either. Rob would have preferred more coverage. He wished Aubrey had left some of her boyshorts. He’d always liked her in boyshorts. There wasn’t much difference between the panties Jeff had provided. They were pretty much the same except for the color: red, green, blue, black. Pink. Jesus. Shifting through the bag Rob finally found a pair of normal, white cotton panties at the bottom. Full ass coverage. Rob picked them up and tossed them onto the jeans. He looked at them for a while. Plain jane white panties. Then he looked back at the lacy thongs. Fuck it. I don’t have to be boring, right? This is weird enough; I might as well have fun with it. Besides, nobody will see them so who the fuck cares? He swapped the white panties for a lace-trimmed red thong and chuckled. Forget Victoria, this will be my little secret.