“I know why you’re here,” the old man says. He is sitting at the back of the club, still wrapped in a shawl despite the roaring fire behind him. He doesn’t bother to turn, instead staring into the flickering flames as he sips a glass of brandy.

“I’ve seen that look before, that hunger. You think you’ve exhausted every pleasure this world has to offer and you’re looking for some new thrill to ease the tedium. Then you heard about them and you wondered if it was possible, without dying and having your soul sucked out that is. Then someone told you about me.”

He stops to swirl the liquid in his glass.

“It’s true,” he continues, “the rumours. I fucked a succubus and lived to tell the tale.”

He takes another sip of the brandy.

“Is it? Yes, that’s always the first question they ask. You always want to know what it’s like before the how. Is it the ultimate sexual pleasure? I can see you thinking that from the hunger in your eyes. It is, or at least I have encountered none better.”

The man shivers, despite the heat of the fire and drains the contents of his glass.

“You’ll need the Masterton Covenant.”

He produces a flask from under his shawl and refills his glass.

“Don’t trust them here,” he explains, “Too many enemies.”

He takes a sip from the refilled glass and continues his story.

“There is a Hell of sorts that occupies a plane of existence adjacent to our own. With the right knowledge a person can cross the barrier between both planes. Some even have the knowledge to make it back. The beings that exist in that plane, the denizens of Hell, or demons if you will, regard us as little more than cattle or playthings. To us they seem as much as gods as a farmer would seem to his livestock.

“It is possible to control them though, the demons. For all their power their existence is constrained by a set of rules and conditions far beyond our understanding. They are compelled to enter into contracts with us and always keep to them. Some have speculated this is because they were once angels created to watch over and serve us. I can’t answer whether this is true or not, all I know is that a demon will never ever break a contract with a human.

“So it’s easy, I can see you thinking. Perform the right ritual, word your bargain in the correct manner and nothing can go wrong.”

The old man chuckles.

“Many thought the same thing. They summoned demons into this plane to serve them or even travelled into the demon’s realm and thought themselves safe through the bargains they had created. And in nearly every case they eventually lost both their life and their soul.

“A demon will never break a contract directly, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t loopholes.

“You can command a demon not to kill you, but it is still free to drive you insane, or imprison you for eternity.

“You might command a succubus not to hurt you, but what use is that. She will kill you and you will be in absolute bliss for the whole time.”

The old man shivers again, although it is hard to tell whether this is from fear or some other emotion.

“That was until Clive Masterton. Masterton was a mathematician primarily interested in logic. Rather than use the clever words so favoured by lawyers he looked instead to pure mathematics. His contract was not a piece of English but a complex series of logical equations. It was completely unbreakable. None of the demons Masterton summoned to serve him could ever harm him, his relations or his loved ones. Still, Masterton was cautious enough to never hold them here for too long or ask for too much.

“I can give you the exact text of Masterton’s Covenant, but before you continue with your endeavours I would ask you to indulge the wishes of an old man. Hear my tale first and decide for yourself whether the thrill you seek still comes without a price.”

The man takes a large gulp of brandy as he readies himself.

“When I was young, like yourself, I too had attained a level of knowledge that made my life very comfortable indeed. However there are only so many girls you can bed before the lack of challenge starts to become tedious. Being able to obtain virtually anything I wanted did nothing to assuage my boredom. I was eager for new thrills.

“While attaining my knowledge I read about succubi. These demons, along with their male counterparts the incubi, are the avatars for the sin of lust. They are said to be the embodiment of sexual perfection. Over the centuries many a man of knowledge has attempted to summon a succubus in order to gratify carnal desires.

“It is a highly dangerous act, for a succubus is also a vampire. She drains her victim, often completely, of their life force during the act of sex. Still, I wanted to experience such an exquisite creature. What greater thrill can there be than risking one’s life and soul in pursuit of the ultimate sexual gratification?

“Most contracts are useless with succubi. Once in their arms men will sign over everything — their life, their soul — just to prolong the pleasure. Most revoke the very contracts they bargained for their protection.

“The Masterton Covenant cannot be revoked.”

The man pauses then, lost in contemplation as he stares into the flickering flames.

“As well as being governed by arcane and unfathomable laws, the denizens of Hell also conform to a strict hierarchy. The succubus I had chosen — I dare not utter her name even now, even as a whisper, in case she should hear — occupies a high ranking position. In my arrogance I had determined that rutting with a mere minor minion on the fields of forbidden pleasures was beneath me. Instead I was summoned to the sumptuous private chamber of a major succubus. The walls of her chamber were covered in black velvet and studded with erotic paintings. Candles filled the room with soft light and trails of perfumed smoke. A giant circular bed took up nearly half of the room and was piled with cushions. I barely noticed any of this. The succubus sat on a silver chair beside the bed and captivated my attention completely.

“They are exquisite; words cannot truly describe them and she was elite amongst her kind. She was taller than most men and her body was perfectly proportioned apart from her breasts. They were large and full, but not grotesquely so. She was a Playboy fantasy with no need for the silicone. Jet-black hair cascaded around her shoulders in wavy curves.

“There could be no mistaking her for human though. Her skin was a deep blood red, her eyes were two bottomless black pools and there were two tiny horns upon her head. These features only seemed to heighten her appeal though. They reminded me of what she truly was and it only added to the thrill of the danger.

“She was completely naked and without shame. She sat and watched me with an amused expression, legs spread wide to reveal the slit of her naked pussy. The flesh around it was smooth and hairless.

“‘What would you like, little human?’ she purred.

“Between her legs the slit of her pussy opened for a few brief tantalising moments like lips beckoning for a kiss.

“‘You,’ I replied. ‘For one night of pleasure.’

“‘Mmm,’ her eyes still twinkled with that look of feral amusement. ‘And what will you pay me?’

“‘The seed which you take from me and enough of my life force that can be replenished with no further damage to both my body and soul.’

“‘I can take them anyway, but it is so much more pleasurable when they are freely offered.’ She stood up out of her chair. ‘Any conditions before we begin?’

“I began to recite the Masterton Covenant. It is a series of statements that forbid the demon from inflicting any lasting damage on the bargainer’s mind, soul or body either now or in revenge at any time in the future. All of them are written not in words but pure, unambiguous mathematical logic.”

The man turns with an impish expression on his face.

“It can take a long time to recite.

“The succubus at first looked amused, then puzzled and then finally blank. This is the point when you can see them thinking, running their mind along the hard lines and angles of logic in search of a weak point or a flaw they can use to turn the bargain in their favour. Eventually she hissed in anger when she realised there was none, but it was useless, as I’ve told you already, they are compelled to accept our contracts even if the terms are bad for them.

“‘Very clever little human,’ she said, her face now cold and aloof. ‘I will give you your night of pleasure and return you, whole and intact, to your place of origin.’

“It had worked. Smiling cockily I beckoned to her bed. ‘Shall we begin,’ I said, brimming with brashness.

“She moved faster than I could react and was far far stronger than her slim form suggested. I was a big man back then, not this withered shell you see now, and she lifted me up and threw me down onto her bed as if I was nothing more than a doll. Within a flash she was astride me and her sharp black claws had ripped away my clothes. Her ferocity caught me off guard and I was gripped by a real fear. What if I’d been wrong?

“‘Your bargain will preserve your life, but do not presume you can give orders to a succubus on her own bed,’ she said.

“She leaned forward and arched her back until her erect nipples rubbed against my chest. She pressed her full breasts against my body and slowly dragged them down so my cock gently rested between their soft globes.

“‘I will give you pleasures such as no man has ever experienced and survived, but it will be pleasures of my choosing. I am mistress here.’

“She rubbed her soft breasts against my dick, but I was still disorientated from the shock of her sudden change from ferocious animal to wanton seductress. That and the long recital of the Masterton Covenant had meant my erection had receded to limpness.

“She opened her mouth wide and leaned down. I thought she meant to take me between her lips to bring my cock to hardness. Instead she stopped and breathed, or maybe vomited is a better word, thick reddish black fumes over my flaccid member.

“The effect was instantaneous. My cock instantly sprang to attention, jerking upright as it was bathed in the foul, but ever so warm emissions. She continued to expel the stream until my erection was rock hard to point of being painful.

“‘Mmm, maybe not such a little human,’ she purred. Still with her hands on my chest to hold me down she moved forward until her crotch was directly above my erect cock. I saw her tail for the first time, long and sinuous and ending in a forked point.

“Above me the lips of her pussy opened and closed, eager to swallow my cock. The motion was both arousing and disgusting at the same time. She smiled and her body gave a little shudder. Then her pussy lips gaped again and I saw the insides were slathered in a thick, black ooze. Her lubrication I realised. She descended then in a smooth motion that engulfed my cock right up to the hilt.

“No words can do justice to the pleasure I felt as my cock slid up into her tight, well lubricated vagina. It was warm, soft and coated with thick sticky juices that tingled against the skin of my member.

“Then she began the slow upward stroke as she lifted herself off me. The walls of her vagina pulled at my cock with soft slurping sounds, as reluctant to let it go as I was to feel it leave. She lifted herself up until the lips of her cunt kissed the tip of my cock before burying me deep inside her with another slick downward stroke. Slowly, she lifted herself all the way off again, her pussy slurping at my cock all the way.

“The first stroke was heavenly. The second set all the nerves of my body jangling in ecstasy. By the third I was moaning incoherently. On the fourth my crotch was twitching forward in involuntary spasms. She descended for the fifth stroke and held herself there, my cock completely engulfed by her warm pussy.

“‘It’s time for you to feed me your seed little human,’ the succubus smiled hungrily. She moaned as she reached up to fondle her heavy breasts.

“The orgasm started in my feet and crashed upwards through my body in a wave. The succubus gripped me tight between her legs and rode me as my body thrashed and bucked uncontrollably. I heard her laughing in wild abandon as I ejaculated powerfully into her tight pussy. Powerful muscle contractions sucked my semen deep into her body.

“Spent and bathed in sweat I lay back on the bed and tried to recover my breath as the aftershocks of the most powerful orgasm I’d ever experienced crashed through my body. The succubus still sat astride me, her body covered in a sheen of fragrant sweat. Smiling she put her hands on either side of my face and leaned forward until the deep black pools of her eyes were staring into mine.

“‘You can’t be finished so soon, we have all night before us,’ she whispered. ‘Here, let me help you.’

“She sat back up with my slowly softening cock still buried deep inside her. She fondled her breasts and moaned, her eyes closed in bliss. Her body gave a little shudder. I felt her vagina convulse and then my cock was flooded with a cool, oily liquid.

“The coolness was a shock at first, but then a tingling warmth spread through my member. Her vagina convulsed again, pumping more of the tingling liquid around my cock. Her expert vaginal muscles began to skilfully massage and rub the oil into it. The sensation was highly pleasant and I felt another erection build, larger and harder than before.

“With my dick back to full hardness she began to move up and down its length again, moaning in pleasure. The strokes came faster this time and I watched her pendulous breasts bounce as she rode my dick. Again she paused to grip me tight as I came again and I felt her powerful vaginal muscles draw more of my seed deep within her.

“After spending another load I once again felt her vaginal muscles convulse and then massage more of the cool oil into my softening erection. Again my cock responded and returned to full hardness, ready to go again.

“I saw then how a succubus drains her prey. Like the anticoagulant in the saliva of a vampire bat prevents blood from clotting, her vaginal juices would prevent my cock from ever becoming soft. Her victim would keep pumping load after load of semen into her until they expired.

“‘You are lucky little human,” the succubus said, her face hard. ‘You will experience what it feels like to be drained by a succubus and still keep your life. The terms of the contract prevent me from draining you completely, but I intend to take full payment of seed from your body.’

“She started to move up and down on my cock again and amazingly I felt the stirrings of a third orgasm.

“‘I will take every orgasm from you apart from the one that would kill you,’ the succubus whispered, her body moving up and down to stroke my cock into another moment of perfect ecstasy. “Enjoy your night of pleasure little human.”

“I could only grunt in reply as another orgasm was sucked deep into her warm body.

“I think I came another three or four times before my balls ran dry. My body felt like a wreck. All of my nerves were jangling and misfiring like a shattered pane of glass. The succubus still hadn’t finished. Her body was indefatigable, she had ridden me constantly for hours and showed no signs of tiredness and she still had more tricks to play…

“As I lay gasping from the last orgasm, more spent than any man could possibly be, she leant over me and I felt her lips brush against mine. I didn’t respond at first, so tired was I, but her soft lips were so insistent I eventually gave into her kiss. My mouth opened and as it did she gripped the sides of my head, locked her lips around mine and breathed…

“Her hot breath surged through my body like wildfire. I felt it flood through my lungs and then into my blood. As it passed through my body it picked up the loose parts of my being and deposited them in my balls like so much flotsam and jetsam. I felt my sac swell and tighten as my muscles weakened and wasted.

“‘There is still more night to go,’ the succubus whispered. She rode my shattered body to another shuddering orgasm.

“Three more orgasms and I thought the Masterton Covenant had failed, that I was about to die. Worse. I wanted it to fail. I was fearful that this would be the orgasm the succubus stopped at. I didn’t want this pleasure to end. I wanted her to take me all the way to the last orgasm, the one that would kill me.

“I was now so weak I couldn’t move at all. My vision was hazy, I had no feeling in either my fingers or toes and my body felt desperately cold. I must have murmured about the chill because the succubus lay across me, warming me with her body. She put her arms around me and I felt her soft breasts against my chest as she embraced me. Her lips locked with mine and she breathed warm air into my icy lungs. Gently she lifted me up as she unfurled her wings and tenderly wrapped them around both of our bodies.

“I’ve seen this since. It’s the death embrace, when a succubus wraps her wings around her victim to suck the last dregs from their body.

“There was no violent motion now, just the soft, slow sensation of her vaginal muscles gently milking my cock. Held like this in her death embrace I felt her skilful pussy coax another two orgasms from me before darkness began to close in.

“The last I heard was the succubus’s soft whispering in my ear. ‘Your bargain forbids me from continuing any further and I cannot track you down later, but this night of pleasure will haunt you for the rest of your life. You will remember it and your body will crave it and one day you will seek me out and beg me to take you to that final moment of pleasure. Sleep well little human, I shall see you again soon.’

“I woke up in my bed and stayed there for three days while my body recovered. The Covenant held though. I received no permanent damage from my encounter with the succubus.

“I guess that’s all you care about. That the Covenant will keep you safe. That it’s possible to fuck a succubus and live.”

The man stares mournfully into the fire.

“They all go back you know. Of their own choice. She knew this. That’s why she spared me the second time, left me with the tiniest flicker of life just so I could tell this story.

“It won’t stop you, it never does.”

The man finishes his drink and produces some papers from under his chair.

“You’ll go back. They all do.”