The sound of my wife, Jane, talking in a soft whisper woke me from a deep sleep. I stirred and looked at my phone to check the time – 7:12 – way too early to be up on a Sunday morning. Though I initially thought she might be talking to me, listening for a moment she was actually on a phone call. I couldn’t help worrying that something might be wrong, because I couldn’t for the life of me understand any other reason for a call at such an obnoxious hour.

“Who the hell are you talking to? Is everything OK?” My back was to her, and the shaded room was still just dark enough for me to see the glow of her phone screen.

“I’m sorry, babe. It’s Stephanie. She really needed to talk.”

I rolled over to keep from talking back over my shoulder. “Your sister doesn’t get up before noon on Sunday. What’s different about today?”

“Love you, too, Steve!” I heard from the tinny speaker on the phone. “And for your information, I’m not getting up. I’m just getting in. Unlike you old married people, some of us out there can still hang.”

“Dear Lord,” I muttered as I slid from under the sheet. I’d suddenly realized how bad I had to pee, and being semi-rigid was the only thing keeping urination at bay. Unfortunately, there was no way to hide my partial erection forming a tent pole in the loose cotton shorts I wore. “I’m going to run to the bathroom.”

“Aw, Steph, you’re missing the march of the morning wood,” Jane giggled to her sister. “Too bad it’ll be gone when he gets back.”

There was a moment of silence as I closed the door, during which I figured her sister made some smartass response. “You’re terrible!” I heard Jane squeal.

It had been a long week for both of us, and this was our only real day off together, so after finishing up at the toilet and washing my hands, I made sure to swish a little mouthwash around to get rid of lingering morning breath in case things moved along in a better fashion. Being awaked by my wife and her sister chatting about my sister-in-law’s night out wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind, but I was willing to improvise.

They were still talking as I climbed back into bed, but I was trying not to pay any attention.

“Oh, look who’s back!” Stephanie said as I slid under the sheet next to my wife. It was only then that I peeked over Jane’s shoulder to see that they’d switched from a voice conversation to video chat. Dear god.

“I see you took care of that morning wood. Did peeing do the trick or did you take a minute to rub one out while you were in the bathroom?”

“Shut up, Stephanie,” I said as pleasantly as I could. I closed my eyes and figured that at this point I might at least snooze through their conversation and convince Jane to join me in some fun when she was finished.

That didn’t look like it was going to happen anytime soon, though.

“So, anyway, we were kissing like crazy just outside the restroom of this bar, and, I swear to god, he latches onto my neck like a vampire, just sucking like crazy. And then I home this morning and I see this.”

OK, so I was curious. Who wouldn’t be with a lead up like that? So under the cover of adjusting my position, I eased up on one arm so I could just see Jane’s phone screen. On it, Stephanie was on her bed, leaning in and pulling her shoulder-length black hair away from her neck to reveal an inch-wide hickey.

“Oh, my god. What is he, 15? Who does that?”

“I know, right?”

I couldn’t help but notice that Steph was still obviously wearing the tiny black cocktail dress she’d probably worn all night, and the way she leaned into the phone to show off the love bite, combined with the low cut of the dress, inadvertently gave me a great view of her abundant cleavage. As she pulled the phone away, I also caught a glimpse of the lace tops of thigh-high stockings where the hem of her dress rode up. I raised my eyebrows in appreciation. That was certainly more than I’d expected from her early morning debriefing.

I settled back in and tried to sleep, but the quick glimpse and the talk of her exploits the night before got me thinking about what a flirt Steph had always been. When Jane and I were dating and Steph was still in college, she was always finding reason to poke fun at me or us, and after a few drinks would frequently find excuses to casually touch me here and there. The most blatant example was at the rehearsal party for our wedding, when Steph, about three drinks in by that point, stepped up behind me, cupped her hand over my ass and asked, “Are you going to mind if I do this after you’re married, or is this my last chance?”

“Well, I mind right now, but I’m not going to make a scene,” I’d told her, smiling and taking a long pull at my beer bottle. “Let’s just say you don’t worry me too much.” I was trying to play it cool without encouraging her. She’d kept her hand there until one of their uncles approached to wish me congratulations and tell Steph how good she looked. And pain in the ass or not, she had looked stunning. The dress was just long enough to be appropriate, but still short enough to be daring, and the neckline plunged to reveal a stunning view of her ample cleavage, emphasized by what I suspected was an expensive and elaborate push-up bra. The funny part was I’d known exactly what her motivation for getting the dress was. While her sister would be the center of attention on the wedding day, Steph was determined to have as many eyes as possible on her at the rehearsal dinner.

Later, when I’d had a chance to process what had happened, I realized how truly forward she’d been – drunk or not. But there was no way I was going to follow through, so I just wrote it off as tipsy flirting from the maid of honor. And honestly, she was such a spoiled pain in the ass most of the time that the incidents didn’t even add fuel to my fantasy life.

It wasn’t until Jane’s laughter woke me that I realized I’d dozed off.

“Seriously? In the stall? When did you get to be such a slut?”

“Swear to god, this was the first time I’d ever done that. Not sure if it’s going to be the last, though. That was pretty hot.”

Both of them laughed again, but I wasn’t going to ask for clarification about why. I’d heard enough to get the gist. I shifted again, draping my arm over Jane’s waist and snuggling in closer. It was only with the pressure against her body that I realized I was now fully erect, with no impending trip to the bathroom to use as an excuse.

Now, what the hell am I supposed to do with this? Jane’s on the phone – with her sister, no less – and I’m rock hard next to my wife in bed. It was too late to cover by rolling over, so without any other viable options I figured I’d just go with it and see what happened.

I shifted again, pressing my shaft against Jane’s cotton panties as I moved my arm to lightly graze her full breast and then let it settle, gently cupping her over her t-shirt. She made a startled noise that might have indicated frustration but didn’t seem designed to dissuade me.

Steph paused in the middle of her lurid story. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. Just got a chill is all. Keep going. This is pretty hot.”

“Is Steve still sleeping? I could hear him snoring a minute ago.”

“Back out like a light,” Jane lied. “He just shifted into one of the few positions where the snoring doesn’t make him sound like a wood chipper.”

In retaliation, I thrust my cock gently toward her and grazed its length over the backside of her panties. She responded by clenching her thighs and shoving backward with her ass. That move was definitely designed to tell me to cut it out. Fortunately for me, I had her in a bit of a corner. She was lying on her right arm and using her left to hold the phone, so there was no functional way she could shove me off without giving away what was going on.

“Swear to god, I don’t get why you don’t just smother him with a pillow sometimes. That snoring would be a deal breaker for sure.”

“Hey, it’s not so bad. Plus, I’m used to it. And he manages to make up for it with the other stuff he does in bed.”

That’s more like it, babe. For that she earned a light stroke over her nipple. She didn’t seem to mind. I continued and felt it harden at my touch. She snuggled a little closer.

“Ew, TMI. The last think I need to know about is old married people sex. So, anyway, it all happened so fast. He’s sucking on my neck and his hands are all over me. At first I was worried that there were people around, but everyone going in and out of the restrooms just ignored us. But it was super-hot feeling like we were being watched. I think that’s what got me so horny. Who knew I was like, this secret exhibitionist?”

“Please. It was never a secret. Remember when you wore that tiny little bikini to the River Festival and started demanding people throw you Mardi Gras beads to see your tits?”

I remembered. Jane and I hadn’t been there, but the story had become legend. She never did strip, of course, but the image of her doing so was planted in lots of minds – and on quite a few phones – that day. I took that moment to grind my hips against Jane’s crotch again, then decided to take things a step further. Being careful not to get myself in the video chat shot, I lay on my back, shimmied out of my shorts and deposited them off the side of the bed. I resumed my position, this time boldly sliding my warm hand up Jane’s nightshirt to directly cup her breast and rub the palm over her still erect nipple.

“Yeah, yeah. That doesn’t really count, though. I was just teasing. This was full-on making out and getting felt up in front of a bunch of strangers. So, while our mouths are locked together, I feel his hand going up my dress. On one hand, I’m like, ‘What the hell?’ But on the other hand, there’s this little voice in my head saying, ‘Just go with it!’ I was pretty wet by that time anyway, and all of a sudden I really wanted to get off.”

“Is that when you pulled him into the ladies’ room?”

“Hell, yes! I had to have something – his fingers or his mouth or cock. I really didn’t care at that point.”

I’d been stroking her breast and grinding my cock against her crotch during this whole time, and I was enjoying the enthusiastic – if silent – response I was getting. Jane ground her ass back into me with a delicious gyrating motion, obviously giving in and enjoying this game.

“Hold on a sec, Steph. I need to switch position. My arm’s falling asleep.”

I closed my eyes and pretended to be out as Jane moved onto her back, simultaneously kicking the covers off and spreading her legs. With her free hand, she pointed to her panties, then hooked a thumb toward the side of the bed as if to say, “These need to come off.”

I was happy to oblige. Jane had the phone held on her chest so only her face and her pillow were visible, so I was no longer worried that I’d give myself away by being in the shot. Up on my knees now, I caught the waistband of her panties and pulled as she lifted her ass off the bed to ease their removal. Her bush was neatly manicured for bathing suit season, leaving just a narrow strip and completely smooth around her labia, and her bikini tan lines were still visible from our Memorial Day beach vacation a few weeks earlier.

Unlike her sister, Jane wore her dark hair in an almost boyishly short cut that for some reason drove me crazy. She started to drive me even more crazy as she ran her middle finger down over her now pouting, moist pussy lips, slipped it just inside, then pulled it out to offer to me.

I leaned forward and licked her fingertip, then pulled it all the way into my mouth to savor her taste. Seeing her laying there inviting me to please her was almost hotter than I could handle. I breathed in the scent of her arousal, then lowered myself over her pussy.

“You good now?”

Jane sighed contentedly. “Much better. Keep going.”

“So, the handicapped stall was empty, thank god, and as he slid the latch I was already stepping out of my panties just to make sure he could get direct contact, like, right then.”

I took that as the perfect moment to give my wife a long, slow lick from her asshole all the way up to her clit. She shuddered and clenched my head with her thighs.

“Oh, my god,” Jane moaned, more in response to me than what her sister was saying, I guessed.

“I know, right? So, he turns around and sees me with my skirt up and my pussy out and immediately gets on his knees and goes down on me, which was a total shocker but I wasn’t complaining. I throw one leg over his shoulder and grabbing his hair and pushing him in deeper, and he’s just going to town on me.”

I took that as my cue to do the same. Jane was already wet and open for me just from the combination of her sister’s story and my attentions. All I had to do was take advantage of it. She draped her legs over my shoulders and let her ankles rest on my back. I leaned in and teased her at first, flicking my tongue lightly over her parted lips, then plunging inside her to thrust like a tiny cock. Her hips squirmed and bucked and she gasped audibly. “Was he good?”

“He was awesome, but I think I was a little loud. People started banging on the stall door and yelling from across the restroom. But at that point I really didn’t care, I just had to get off. So, I let him up and turned around with my ass toward him. Without a word, he unbuckled and whipped it out.”

“Was … he … big?” Jane’s words were catching in her throat now as her own orgasm approached. Steph was going to be onto us soon. I needed to finish. I licked faster, then moved up to her swollen clit, circling it with the tip of my tongue.

“Big enough. And I was so ready it probably wouldn’t have mattered. He grabbed my hips and slid right in all the way to the balls …”

“Oh … yeah!” Jane interrupted. She was losing the ability to cover now. I kept going, teasing her clit, then sliding a finger inside her.

“Jane, you OK?”

“Oh … Jesus! I’m fine.” Her hips were bucking in my face now as she struggled to hang onto the phone with one hand and claw at my hair with the other. I gripped her hips tightly to keep my mouth on her pussy as she thrashed.

“Wait? Are you getting off over there? What the hell?” The woman who was just giving us an explicit account of her dirty restroom fuck was suddenly getting offended. Nice. “Please tell me you’re not touching yourself right now.”

“Not … me. Ah, GOD!”

I looked up and saw Jane press something on the phone. It wasn’t until I heard Steph scream that I realized Jane had changed the camera from facing herself to facing outward, revealing me with my face between my wife’s legs to her little sister.

“STEVE! Is he going down on you? Oh, my fucking god, you two! This is so nasty!”

I looked right in the camera, pulled my glistening middle finger out of her sister, then used it to flip her the bird. As she watched, I took the same finger and slipped it back inside Jane’s pussy, finally pushing her over the edge. With her free hand, she grabbed a handful of hair to keep me in position.

“Don’t stop … right there. Yes, baby. Lick that pussy. Make me cum!”

“Holy shit, guys. This isn’t funny.” Steph seemed less upset suddenly. Just then, Jane’s whole body tensed up as she thrust her pussy into my face and moaned like she was being tortured. I love that sound. A high-pitched gasp and pleading whine followed, her pussy thrusting up against me. After a few seconds, she relaxed and ran her free hand up her body, cupping a breast over her t-shirt and tweaking the nipple. This sent tiny little shock waves through her as I continued to slowly tongue her labia.

“Jane, did you just cum? Fuck, that was fast…”

Jane was out of breath, her chest heaving as she lay there with her eyes closed. “Oh, my god … He always does it to me that fast.” She laughed. “How’s that for old married people sex, bitch?”

“That was totally unnecessary, Jane. I had no idea you guys were so gross.”

I took the phone and switched the camera around again. Steph was flushed and touching her neck with her fingertips. “Gross? What’s the matter, Steph? You can give it out but you can’t take it?”

“No, I … I just… Steve, what the fuck?” She seemed less upset and more confused, like there was no way this could ever be happening.

“Fucking is exactly what’s going on. I figured since you were disturbing my morning and getting in the way of my plans to fuck my wife, I’d move ahead regardless. Want to see what your little story caused?”

I switched the camera direction again and aimed the phone down at my fully erect cock, giving it a few strokes to keep it nice and hard for her.

“Jesus, Steve. That is totally uncalled for.” Her expression was a mixture of horror and excitement. I figured she’d always pegged me as a wet blanket or Jane’s doormat and was shocked by the person she was seeing now.

“It’s absolutely called for. You call us up with a hot story like that first thing on a Sunday, then tease me about my morning wood, what do you expect? Now you get the full wood.” Then I shifted position, placing myself between Jane’s legs with my cock hovering just over her pussy. “So, what were you saying about this guy fucking you?”

With that, I pushed my hard member into my wife’s moist opening, holding the camera so Steph could see everything. Jane moaned. “Oh, yes, baby. That’s what I needed. Give me that thick cock. Fuck me …”

Steph gasped. “No. No, I can’t do this,” she said as she watched my cock thrusting in and out of her sister. But that’s the thing – she was still watching.

“If you really couldn’t do this, you would’ve hung up by now. So, tell us, what happened after he slid his cock inside you from behind.”

“I can’t now. Jesus, you guys. Cut this out. This isn’t funny.”

I aimed the camera back at Jane’s face. She was watching me with a lascivious grin. “Tell us, Steph,” she said between gasps. “I like hearing about it. Tell me about him fucking you.”

She bit her lip and paused. “Well, um, he pushed my dress up almost all the way, so he could reach my tits over my bra.”

“I bet you liked that,” I said. “Did he pinch your nipples?” With that I reached up with one hand and gave Jane’s nipple a light pinch through her t-shirt, holding the camera so Steph could see. Jane closed her eyes and arched her back as I continued to fuck her in long, slow strokes.

“Yes, baby. Fuck that pussy,” Jane moaned.

“Yeah,” Steph said, her eyes fixed on the screen of her phone. “I liked it a lot. I like when a guy’s a little rough, pinching them and biting them.”

“Oh, naughty girl. I bet you’re wet right now just thinking about it, aren’t you?”

“Shut up, Steve. God, you’re such a perv. I had no idea.”

“Well, you know now. So? Tell me.”

“A little wet, yeah.”

“Liar. You’re soaked, thinking about your nightclub bathroom fuck and watching me lick and fuck your sister’s pussy. I bet you never even got your panties back, dirty girl. You so want to touch yourself right now.”

“Stop, Steve.” She tried to sound serious and all business, but she still hadn’t looked away.

“Touch it. Do it now. I’m going to fuck your sister until she cums, and I want you to cum for me, too. Jane, sweetie, pull your shirt up so your sister can see your tits.”

“Damn it, Steph, do it!” Jane cried out as she yanked her shirt over her head. “Oh, my god, this is so hot. Keep fucking me, Steve. Make her cum for us!”

Jane was now fully naked, her hands running over her nipples, tweaking and stroking them as I slowly slid my cock in and out. Steph leaned forward and placed the phone against the foot of her bed, giving me a full view of her morning-after dishevelment. She got on her knees and pulled the dress over her head, and just as I suspected she wore no panties. She reached around her back, unfastened her black lace bra and threw it to the side. Her figure was similar to her sisters, except where Jane’s tits sat upright and perky, Steph’s breasts were a bit fuller and softer looking. Her dark nipples were taut with her arousal.